09 Aug

What Is Kava Kava (Piper Methysticum)?

Kava Kava is a Tongan word for the herb Piper Methysticum. Native to the western Pacific, it’s historically used in ceremonial rites among the native people of Polynesia, Vanuatu, Hawaii, and Melanesia to name a few. Aboriginal partakers of the herb call it Grog. In Samoan and Tongan cultures, Kava Kava is used in ceremony that receives guests in a spirit of reverence and observes sacred ceremonies affirming identity. The psychoactive herb has long been a preferred brew among the royal bloodlines of Pacific Islanders.

Kava Kava Roots

The plant’s roots create a sedative effect that doesn’t interfere with mental clarity when processed as a drink. The effect of its kavalactones (including dihydrokavain, methysticin, and yangonin) are thought to influence the brain’s neurotransmitters. In addition to Kava’s mood stabilizing effects, it’s an aid for sore muscles, a pain reliever comparable to conventional medicines, a topical numbing agent, and a remedy for nocturnal incontinence and urinary tract infections. Kava Kava will also cleanse the blood and is recommended as a cardiac stimulant by Dr. John R. Christopher. In veterinary applications, it can calm animals that are extremely feral or inconsolably angry.


Scientific Conclusions About Kava Kava

In controlled double-blind studies, Kava Kava is shown to be more effective than placebo.The Cochrane Collaboration’s 2003 review took a proverbial fine-tooth comb to a large body of Kava Kava research and agreed the herb has enough of an effect (if minimal) on anxiety to be considered a viable treatment alternative. At least 7 studies have concluded that Kava Kava is an efficient anti-anxiety medicine (many feel it is just as effective as traditional medicines prescribed to this end). Cognitive improvement is an additionally recognized effect of the herbal remedy.

Kava is actually a member of the pepper family piperaceae that is traditionally chewed or consumed as a tea or liquid extract. For more controlled and convenient ingestion, it can also be taken in the form of a capsule or tablet. It is a powerful aid for conditions that cause general anxiety (including insomnia – by regulating cycles and causing a need for less sleep).


Safety Concerns Surrounding Kava Kava

Kava is considered generally safe if taken by individuals who do not suffer from a liver ailment, kidney condition, or Parkinson’s disease. The herb should not be taken before surgery as it can cause an extension of anesthetic effects. There is also a caution against consuming alcohol while taking Kava Kava supplements to avoid liver toxicity. Individuals taking blood pressure medicines should consult their medical service before taking Kava Kava as the herb may thin the blood and obstruct blood clotting. The remedy is also a diuretic that can exaggerate the impact of drugs sharing similar effects.

Kava Kava is considered unsuitable for children and women who are pregnant or nursing. The drug’s contraindications include anti-psychotic medications, benzodiazepines, and drugs falling under the SSRI classification (antidepressants). Kava Kava should not be ingested for intervals extending beyond 3 months without a rest period of two weeks between treatment cycles to allow the liver time to recuperate.

09 Aug

Kava Kava Side Effects And Interactions

Kava kava side effects has recently received much attention from many people who are divided whether it is safe or not because it is a mild narcotic. The final conclusion was  that kava kava has no effects when taken in moderate doses although its abuse can lead to health problems. Kava extracts are used as an herbal product for anxiety, tension, stress and insomnia. It is also used to make dietary supplement and is a trendy drink with calming effects. It is highly beneficial to our bodies, however, kava kava side effects  should not be ignored.

A list of kava kava side effects

A major new review of scientific knowledge on kava has left an unsolved mystery as to why island people can drink it safely while people of the west like in the USA and Europe sometimes experience toxic effects. One of the most severe kava kava side effects is liver damage,  other symptoms like jaundice, abdominal pain and elevated liver enzymes has also been noticed in some individuals. Kava  kava drink is known to cause allergic reactions like hives, itchiness and scaly skin rash called kava dermopathy. Usage in heavy doses can also cause throat and mouth swelling and difficulty in breathing.

Other kava kava side effects  include hypertension, reduced protein levels, muscle weakness, visual impairment, blood cell abnormalities and mild dizziness, fatigue and nausea. Kava kava should not be used with alcohol or with any prescription drugs used for anxiety or depression. Reports show that it may cause unpleasant side effects when taken with medications used to treat Schizophrenia. 2.3% of patients who had an open trial were isolated with kava kava side effects that included gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches and restlessness.

How Much Kava Kava Is Safe?

The amount of  kava taken depends on the purpose for using it and the individual sensitivity to its side effects. Death has not yet been reported in any medical literature from use of kava extracts. The review of scientific research done on kava kava side effects show that toxicity found no consensus . It was concluded that the root problems were from  the preparation of kava, the generic differences among individuals and the particular species of kava used. For more info on recommended kava kava dosage check this article.

Who Should NOT Take Kava Kava

Kava should not be taken by pregnant women, children, nursing women and people with liver, kidney and Parkinson’s disease.Kava may lower the blood pressure and interfere with blood clotting. It should not be used by people with bleeding disorders.  It is a diuretic therefore it may have an addictive effect if taken with drugs and some herbs. It is advisable to avoid possible kava kava side effects by taking it in low doses and build up while watching for any reactions. Kava kava in moderate doses presents no side effects , however, if any reactions are noted a doctor should be consulted.

What Else Should You Keep In Mind In Order To Avoid Possible Side Effects?

When purchasing  your kava supplement make sure that it is manufactured by a recommendable facility to avoid substandard products. Kava kava is considered to be a dietary supplement therefore manufactures do not have to guarantee it and explain its actual ingredients. Nonetheless, its better to be sure to avoid potential kava kava side effects.

09 Aug

Kava kava dosage, how much should you take?

Kava kava dosage depends upon age, user’s health, existing disease conditions and continuing medicines. Kava kava is a herb derived from plant Piper methysticum. The roots of this plant are used for sedative and healing properties. It has been used as ceremonial drink in Pacific island for over 3000 years. Apart from that, it is used for its medicinal effects such as sedative, diuretic and muscle relaxant. Roots and rhizomes are used for preparing the medicine. It is used in the form of powder, fluid extract and tonic. The beneficial effects of Kava kava are due to the presence of kava lactones in it.

It is a mildly psychoactive beverage which is used for its relaxing and calming properties. It is a mood enhancing beverage that is used to reduce anxiety. It is also effective in treating insomnia, stress, restlessness, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Other medical conditions like neck pain, throat pain, headaches, respiratory tract infections, menstrual problems and chronic bladder infections. It produces physical and mental relaxation and a sense of wellbeing. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in relieving symptoms of gout, cystitis, prostatitis and bronchial congestion.

Traditionally Kava kava is used in the form of non-standardised extract (without adding any chemicals) to get the benefits of the whole plant. In some parts of the world, whole kava roots are chewed for their medicinal value. Kava kava liniment is directly used externally as a local anaesthetic or pain reliever. It is chewed to give relief from throat pain as it produces numbing effect on the throat and tongue. It is important to know about the concentration of kava lactones in the product. Avoid products that do not mention kava kava dosage on the label.  Kava kava should be taken under doctor’s supervision!

Recommended dosage

Doctors recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing intake over time. The recommended Kava kava dosage ranges from 50 to 250 mg of kava lactones per day. The dosage is divided into 2-3 doses throughout the day.

When To Avoid Kava Kava

Kava kava has to be avoided in certain conditions like pregnancy, breast feeding, liver disease (cirrhosis and hepatitis) and any allergies. Chemicals in kava may pass into breast milk with unknown effects so it is avoided in nursing women. Kava kava is not given to the children.

It should not be taken for more than 3 months without a 2 week rest period. Alcohol is to be avoided when one is taking kava as it increases the risk of liver damage. It is not taken in combination with certain other drugs due to drug interaction. For example, kava has to be avoided when one is taking sedative medications, phenothiazine medicines, medicines for depression or alprazolam. There is limited data on interactions of other herbs with kava. Doses generally recommended for kava have different effect on different people.
Kava Kava induces a feeling of relaxation, peace and contentment along with sharpening of senses. By taking the recommended Kava Kava dosage, one can experience its beneficial effects.

09 Aug

Where To Get Kava Kava?

Because kava kava grows only in the Pacific, people who wish to purchase kava kava products may find it difficult to find them in local stores. Before it became popular in western countries, it was very difficult to know where to get kava kava. People could only get them when they visit the Pacific countries that produced them – mainly Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia, as well as Micronesia.

Kava Kava Farms

Kava kava is grown in kava kava farms in Pacific countries and is even considered a very important cash crop in Fiji, Tonga, and Vanautu. It is very difficult to grow this plant in cool countries and is evident in how kava kava products are only available through importation.

Kava kava is traditionally prepared by extracting the root of the plant and either pounding, chewing, or grinding them. Kava kava root or bark that is grinded is mixed with a little water because the root releases moisture naturally with this method. The pounding method involves pounding the roots between a large stone and a small log. The pounded roots are then added with cold water and consumed immediately.

In Pacific countries, kava beverage is normally available from a Nakamal, or a small establishment where locals socialize. As of present, there are already some Nakamals that serve kava kava beverage in non-Pacific countries but these can be very hard to find.

KavaKava Root Powder

Because of the plant’s growing popularity around the world, many people now want to know where to get kava kava without having to travel so far just to have them. This has resulted to the introduction of kava kava root powder which is exported from the Pacific to other countries. A tablespoon of powder is mixed to a cup of water with the option of adding more powder to increase potency.

Kava Kava Pills And Supplements

Many pharmaceutical companies are also now producing kava kava pills and herbal supplements that are made with the kavalactones extracted from the kava kava plant. A small kava kava pill can have as much as 150 mg of kavalactones whereas a traditional bowl of kava kava beverage contains 250 mg of kavalactones.

While the kava kava plants are mainly grown in Pacific islands, there is a huge market for them overseas. There are many companies that import kava kava products to markets and stores in other countries but these products are not readily available in most stores because it is not considered a mainstream product. Kava kava products are normally sold in health and supplement shops but availability sometimes becomes a problem.

Also Available Online

Luckily, many companies are importing kava kava products and marketing them through the internet. It is convenient buying these products through the internet because it is always readily available and the buyer no longer has to waste time and effort trying to find these in local stores.

There are many types of kava kava products which can be ordered through the internet. These products include Kava powder, instant kava powder, kava cordial, kava strips, kava pills, kava cola, and kava chocolate among others.

One common online place to get kava kava products is Amazon.

09 Aug

Kava Kava And Anxiety, Can It Help?

People who experience anxiety can have a difficult time coping in their lives, as it can affect their daily function and how productive they can be. If that is you, then you should take a look at kava kava and how it can help you cope with anxiety.

If you are wondering what kava kava is, it is basically a plant. It comes from the pepper family and for a lot of years, it has been used for sorting out certain conditions.

How Does Kava Kava Help Anxiety Patients?

What makes the kava kava suitable to be taken by anxiety sufferers is in how it is able to make you feel calm, both in the mind and in the body. Because anxiety affects so many people all over the world, there have been many medications that are supposed to help those who suffer from it, but medications that enable the body to be calm usually come with side effects . With kava kava, there are no side effects from taking it. This makes it a better alternative as it is healthier, and what makes it effective is as a result of the kavalactones that are contained in it.

It is not just people who struggle with anxiety who get to benefit from this. It is also effective in decreasing pain, and it is also anti inflammatory. This means that it does a great job in treating other conditions ranging from stomach aches to gout to asthma to many others.

The reason it works so well for anxiety is because it encourages the body to relax, and when the body is relaxed tension and stress is decreased and you are able to sleep better. It is a well known fact that anxiety sufferers have issues when it comes to relaxation and being able to have a good nights sleep. With kava kava, this will be a thing of the past, as your body will relax enough to embrace sleep.

As you know too much of a good thing is never recommended, because it can take away from the benefits that one gets from eating it. It is the same with kava kava, it should be taken moderately. It will affect different people differently, and others can end up with their skin reacting to it if too much of it is consumed. Others actually get intoxicated when they take too much of it, to the point where they look like they are on a drug of some sort and their personality is altered, so it is extremely important to not take more than you should in the quest to get better results.

Kava Kava Can Help But It Is Not All Good

Though it can help a lot with anxiety, there are certain people who should not take it because the effects of taking it will be worse than the benefits that they could possibly get from it.  The people who would do more damage to themselves from taking kava kava are people who have issues with heart problems, lung issues or mothers to be. Also, moms who are still breast feeding need to refrain from using it.

Those who are on anxiety treatment should not take kava kava if they are taking other drugs. This would be a really bad idea. If you want more info on possible side effect of taking kava kava check this article.

Putting all the negative things aside, kava kava is a great herbal remedy for anxiety, as long as it is taken moderately (see here for some recommended dosage of kava kava). It is a great option for those who need the help, and you can take it without the fear of getting addicted to it.

09 Aug

Can Kava Kava Seeds Be Used To Grow This Plant?

The key point to note about Kava kava seeds (Piper methysticum) is that the plant’s seeds are generally infertile. So in order to grow new Kava kava plants you usually need to use roots, runners and of cuttings, rather than by attempting to get a new plant direct from the seed. Roots are also used for all the products make out of kava kava from kava drink to kava kava powder. This means seeds are pretty much useless :).