28 Mar

Melon Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much of It?

Many health-conscious people turn to melon juice for its many antioxidants and its proven nutritional benefits. But have you ever given thought to the chance of developing melon juice side effects?

Fortunately, the good news is that most melon juices do not have negative side affects, even if drank in excess. However, there is one commonly used type called bitter melon juice that does have side effects and should be used cautiously.

Bitter Melon Juice Side Effects

First of all, bitter melon juice is not recommended for young children, so to be on the safe side, you may want to keep this out of their reach until they are at least 12 years of age. Additionally, bitter melon juice has been proven to contain two proteins which can cause a pregnancy to end in abortion, so this juice is definitely not intended for those who are trying to conceive or who are currently pregnant.

melon juice side effects

Lastly, drinking a significant amount of bitter melon juice in a short period of time has been shown to cause diarrhea and abdominal discomfort in some people, so it is best to use this nutritional powerhouse in moderation.

Overall, melon juice is a relatively safe, healthy way to supplement a balanced diet. As long as you use it wisely, the benefits will far outweigh any negative melon juice side effects you may find.