30 Sep

Resveratrol Health Benefits

Resveratrol, which is found in red wine as well as other food products, is a phytoalexin which is found in various plants. The compound is known for its anti-aging capabilities and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound as well as an antioxidant which increases the body’s energy and lowers the level of sugar in the blood. Because of the positive effects of resveratrol, pills have been created which contain a much higher concentration of the compound then is found in wine. Because of this, it is possible to reap the benefits of the compound without having to consume large amounts of wine or other resveratrol containing plants.

Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes.

Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes.

Where Can You Find Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is primarily found in red wine as well as in the skin of red grapes, cranberries, and blueberries. Small amounts are also found in peanuts. Plants produce the compound in reaction to the attack of fungi or bacteria in order to defend the plant. Typically, resveratrol supplements are composed of extracts of Japanese knotweed which provides the user with thousands of servings of the compound.

Resveratrol was first found in the 1940s in the roots of the plant, Veratrum grandiflorum, and was discovered later in 1976 in red grapes and in 1992, in wine.

Health Benefits

With research, the compound has been shown to prevent cancer in addition to acting as an anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and anti-fungal drug. Being a relatively new supplement, very little testing has been performed on humans although research in animals has proved to be quite successful. Its effects have led to resveratrol being labeled “The Fountain of Youth” due to its documented ability to slow down the aging process. The compound has also been shown to demonstrate anti-carcinogenic as well as weight loss properties. This is accomplished by the stimulation of a gene which limits the storage of fat as well as delays the process of aging.

Side Effects

Red wine is one of the main sources of resveratrol

Red wine is one of the main sources of resveratrol

There have been a few side effects that some have reported although these did not occur in the majority of resveratrol supplement users. One of these side effects is diarrhea although this has been shown to occur in individuals who take low quality supplements in large doses. People who took higher quality supplements did not report experiencing these symptoms. The diarrhea is not actually caused by the resveratrol but, instead, by the emodin which is also found in the supplements as a filler.

Another side effect which has been documented is pain in the joints as well as Achilles tendinitis. Along with diarrhea, this is not caused by the resveratrol itself but by the copper which is also present in the supplement. The last side effect, the reasons for which have not been documented, is insomnia and accompanying anxiety which some individuals reported feeling after taking the pills. Individuals compared the feeling to that experienced after consuming large amounts of caffeine.

Consult With Your Physician

One thing to keep in mind when deciding to take resveratrol supplements is whether or not other prescription medications are being taken. When combined with these drugs, the supplements may lead to blood thinning due to the anti-inflammatory abilities of the compound especially if other blood thinning drugs are being taken.

Before taking resveratrol supplementation, it is important to consult with the physician. Many of the side effects which have been reported are completely anecdotal without any scientific proof based on research. Even those anecdotal side effects have only been reported in those who have taken very high doses, usually of low quality supplements.

Therefore, if one were to ensure that they solely took high quality resveratrol supplements, then the side effects would be minimal if any were present at all. Based upon evidence, the benefits of resveratrol far outweigh the potential side effects.