05 Mar

The Power of Lime And Lime Juice Health Benefits

When it comes to health benefits, lime juice is an absolute powerhouse. The sweet and sour tanginess packs more punch than most multivitamin tablets or health shakes. Everything from weight management to scurvy can be helped by a squeeze of the green. Here is a closer look at the benefits of this magical fruit:

Lime Juice And Beauty

Whether the juice is applied directly to skin or ingested, lime juice has proven itself as a skin beautifier. When applied to the skin, the acid from lime juice acts as an exfoliating agent. A few drops of lime juice can be added to your facial cleanser or daily lotion. If added to your lotion, be sure to use a daily sunscreen since the lime juice will gently reveal a new layer of skin.

When ingested, the high dose of vitamin C found in lime juice acts as a great antioxidant and disinfectant. Lime juice is also credited with healing dandruff, bruising and body odor. Try adding a few drops to your bath, body lotion or shampoo for the most benefits. Also, a few drops of lime juice make drinking water refreshing and nutritious.

Weight Management

Lime has been a daily meal staple in India for centuries. The people of India have long known that lime will aid in digestion, which ultimately aids in managing weight. Lime works in two ways to keep your weight down. First, the wonderful aroma of lime will stimulate your mouth to water, thus stimulating your digestive tract. Second, the flavanoids in lime juice will break down the food which will help the body rid itself of toxins and waste.

In addition, a daily intake of lime juice will keep your body from suffering constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. Some great ways to get the daily benefits of lime is either by sprinkling a few drops over meats or eating a side of lime chutney. Lime chutney is delicious with all meats and most potato dishes. Also, add a few drops of lime juice to your sodas or fruit juices for an extra punch of flavor.


Scurvy has been a dreaded disease for many centuries. The common symptoms associated with scurvy are frequent infections, frequent cough/cold, chronically cracked lips, swollen gums and mouth ulcers. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C. As long as scurvy has plagued people, lime has been used as both a cure and a preventative form of medicine. Long ago, sailors, factory and farm workers were given lime by their boss to ward off scurvy. People who work in pollution factories and other highly toxic areas are still given lime by their employer to protect them from scurvy. Lime is possibly one of the greatest sources of vitamin C, which your body always needs. Just because you don’t have scurvy, don’t skimp on the powers of vitamin C.

The Power Of Flavanoids

Flavanoids are found in fruits and some vegetables and act as strong antioxidants when ingested. Antioxidants reduce inflammation and slow down the aging process in humans. Furthermore, antioxidants boast the ability to fight cancers and actually heal cellular damage. Lime juice is chalk full of wonderful flavanoids.

The Power Of Vitamin C

We’ve always heard the importance of getting enough vitamin C, but do you know just how powerful this nutrient is? A deficiency in vitamin C can cause more bodily malfunctions than can be imagined. The good news: Lime juice has more vitamin C than can be imagined. Here is a list of the many bodily organs/functions that can be deeply improved with adequate amounts of vitamin C:

  • vision
  • gums and mouth
  • ulcers
  • urinary tract
  • kidneys
  • liver
  • stomach
  • respiratory system
  • colon
  • prostate
  • heart
  • skeletal structure

The health benefits of lime juice cannot be overestimated. It has also helped cure colon cancer, prostate cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, fatigue, cholera, high fever and also diabetes. Lime juice may very well be one of the  super foods.

18 Dec

The Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Red apples

It’s hard to find a fruit in nature that’s healthier than the apple. In fact, even when you take it in the form of apple juice, there are lots of health benefits you get whether you are a child or an adult. The apple is used for alcoholic products too, and the best thing about it is that having all those health benefits, its one of the cheapest fruits that you can find.

Apple Juice and Your Health

Apple juice contains lots of different nutrients that are necessary in the body for optimum health. Almost all types of apples contain vitamin C which helps your body fight disease. One of the diseases that apples will help you fight, although rare today, is scurvy. Although there is still no solid scientific evidence, vitamin C has also been said to help fight off colds.

Health Benefits Of Apple Juice

Apple juice also contains antioxidants which are the body’s armor against disease, both for prevention and cure. When you are under a rigorous exercise regimen, apple juice will help you boost energy levels as well as help muscles which might tear due to strain. Exercising also forces the body to produce oxidants, as much as 10 times more than when your body is at rest. These lead to more fatigue than usual and a glass of apple juice will help you to clear these out of your system. Antioxidants have also been shown to fight off certain kinds of cancers and if consumed in moderation. It’s a great weight loss booster as well and helps to reduce cholesterol.

Apple Juice for Alzheimer’s

A study in 2009 showed that drinking apple juice regularly as one grew older helps to delay the onset of dementia, a condition which eventually leads to Alzheimer’s disease. In the same study, mice that were fed regularly with apple juice showed improved brain function and they were better able to cope with orientation, one of the most debilitating conditions that comes along with Alzheimer’s. It also showed that apple juice slowed ageing of the brain and ultimately, the brain remains in good function for a longer time (for more foods that can slow down the aging process you can visit anti aging nutrition).

Apples for apple juice

Other Nutrients in Apple Juice and Their Benefits

Apples are one of the greatest sources of fiber. In fact, most sources of fiber are not sweet, but with apples, you get to enjoy the fruit as well as help your digestion.

Apple juice is also rich in iron, but you shouldn’t take too much of it as the antioxidants in it will bind the iron and it wont be absorbed into your blood stream. This of course will lead to iron deficiencies and eventually diseases like anemia.

The juice is also an antioxidant, and people who smoke or suffer breathing problems should take it to help detoxify and therefore clean the lungs for easier breathing.

Although apple juice contains a lot of the nutrients that are needed for daily function, it has no calories that can make you gain weight, even when you add artificial sweeteners to it.

The benefits go on and on. Apple juice is excellent for people suffering from anemia, stomach disorders, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity. It also helps prevent liver and kidney disease, formation of uric acid and chronic colitis. It will detoxify even heavy metals like radionuclide from the body.

It also helps fight off dysentery, respiratory diseases and laryngitis. It has calcium which helps strengthen bones especially in pregnant women and children.

Benefits of cloudy apples juice

Cloudy Apple Juice

This is actually the healthiest form of apple juice. When you buy apple juice from the store, it’s usually clear and this is because of the continuous filtration that has been done to it. Filtration removes 2 major ingredients: pectin and starch. It will also remove some of the natural fibre and vitamin C. These are some of the most beneficial elements in apple juice, so a store bought apple juice will not give you full health value.

In the US, unfiltered apple juice comes in the form of apple cider and can be bought in stores. You should be aware though, that in the UK, apple cider is actually an alcoholic drink made of apple juice and alcohol.

Side Effects of Apple Juice

The FDA, after testing apples and apple juice, says that there are few if any side effects. The only times you may have problems is if you take too much of it at once or if you go on an apple juice diet for detox without consuming anything else. All ingredients in apples and apple juice have a high level of tolerance before they actually show up in the blood to cause any negative side effects.

Of course, they can confidently tell you that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away!”