23 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Sodium?

What is Sodium?

Sodium is a naturally occurring element that can be found in many sources of food. Sodium is used by the body to regulate the volume of the blood as well as to regulate blood pressure. This element is also critical for the proper function of muscles and nerves throughout the body. Sodium is found in most foods and the most common form is sodium chloride, also known as table salt.

Sodium in the Body

It is important to have the right amount of sodium intake to allow the body to function properly. If a person ingests too much sodium, there can be negative effects, such as high blood pressure or the build-up of fluid, especially in those who have cirrhosis or congestive heart failure.

Dietary sodium is always measured in milligrams and the daily recommended allowance for adults is 2,300 mg per day. People who suffer from high blood pressure should not exceed 1,500 mg daily.

Sodium can help to prevent dehydration as it maintains water and electrolyte balances in the body. More than 80% of sodium in the body is found in the blood and the levels are controlled by the adrenal glands.

It is uncommon for people to suffer from low sodium levels, but this can occur as a side effect when taking certain medications that promote urination. Heavy sweating, vomiting and severe diarrhea can also lower the levels of sodium in the body.

It is important to have the proper amounts of sodium so the nerves and muscles continue to function optimally. Sodium levels can often be controlled by adjusting diets and there is usually little to no need for medications.


Top Fruits For Sodium Content

The amounts of Sodium are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Carrot 78,00 mg
2 Melon (Cantaloupe) 16,00 mg
3 Mulberry 10,00 mg
4 Mangosteen 7,00 mg
5 Elderberry 6,00 mg
6 Passion Fruit 6,00 mg
7 Tomato 5,00 mg
8 Kiwi 3,00 mg
9 Papaya 3,00 mg
10 Jackfruit 3,00 mg
11 Pomegranate 3,00 mg
12 Blackcurrant 2,20 mg
13 Lemon 2,00 mg
14 Grape 2,00 mg
15 Lime 2,00 mg
16 Mango 2,00 mg
17 Tangerine 2,00 mg
18 Guava 2,00 mg
19 Cucumber 2,00 mg
20 Durian 2,00 mg
21 Cranberry 2,00 mg
22 Blueberry 1,00 mg
23 Pumpkin 1,00 mg
24 Banana 1,00 mg
25 Watermelon 1,00 mg
26 Lychee 1,00 mg
27 Strawberry 1,00 mg
28 Redcurrant 1,00 mg
29 Gooseberry 1,00 mg
30 Raspberry 1,00 mg
31 Blackberry 1,00 mg
32 Apricot 1,00 mg
33 Fig 1,00 mg
34 Pineapple 0,30 mg

22 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Phytonutrients?

Phytonutrients play a part in everything from good eyesight to preventing cancer. They are an important part of good health. You can protect and improve your well-being by understanding what phytonutrients are and what they do to help us.

What are Phytonutrients?

Phytonutrients are organic components found in plants. Some good sources are fruits, vegetables, nuts and teas. There are a lot of different classes of phytonutrients including lignans, saponins and phenols. The ones most people are familiar with are carotenoids and flavonoids. Each class of phytonutrients offers different health benefits and has different plant sources they can be found in, so it is possible to eat a wide variety of them.

The Effects of Phytonutrients in Our Bodies

There is evidence that phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables can protect us from some forms of cancer and macular degeneration. They may work as antioxidants and destroy free radicals. Phytonutrients enhance cell communication and immune responses. They may also destroy cancer cells and repair DNA damage caused by exposure to smoke and other toxins. It is possible they can activate some of our enzyme systems and detoxify carcinogens as well.

Studies have shown that consuming fruits, teas, grains and vegetables with high levels of phytonutrients decreases the risk of strokes and prostate cancer. With heart disease, not only is the risk significantly lower from eating phytotnutrient-rich foods, so is the mortality rate associated with it. Other benefits include lowering cholesterol levels, protecting lung tissue and blocking tumor growth. Research suggests that even making small but consistent increases in the amount of phytonutrients we eat can make a difference in health. Overuse may trigger an allergic reaction in some people or have a mild effect such as a change in skin tone from beta carotene, but overall they are considered safe.


Top Fruits For Phytonutrients Content

The amounts of Phytonutrients are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Carrot 11.968,00 mcg
2 Pumpkin 7.260,00 mcg
3 Guava 5.578,00 mcg
4 Watermelon 4.921,00 mcg
5 Tomato 3.246,00 mcg
6 Grapefruit 2.178,00 mcg
7 Melon (Cantaloupe) 2.047,00 mcg
8 Apricot 1.306,00 mcg
9 Papaya 1.112,00 mcg
10 Tangerine 801,00 mcg
11 Passion Fruit 784,00 mcg
12 Mango 473,00 mcg
13 Orange 327,00 mcg
14 Peach 320,00 mcg
15 Plum 298,00 mcg
16 Blackberry 246,00 mcg
17 Jackfruit 223,00 mcg
18 Kiwi 209,00 mcg
19 Raspberry 164,00 mcg
20 Mulberry 157,00 mcg
21 Cranberry 127,00 mcg
22 Cherry (sweet) 123,00 mcg
23 Blueberry 112,00 mcg
24 Grape 112,00 mcg
25 Cucumber 94,00 mcg
26 Fig 94,00 mcg
27 Banana 73,00 mcg
28 Apple 67,00 mcg
29 Pear 59,00 mcg
30 Pineapple 35,00 mcg
31 Lemon 35,00 mcg
32 Strawberry 33,00 mcg
33 Durian 29,00 mcg
34 Mangosteen 26,00 mcg
35 Lychee 0,00
36 Pomegranate 0,00
37 Redcurrant 0,00
38 Elderberry 0,00
39 Lime 0,00
40 Gooseberry 0,00
41 Blackcurrant 0,00

12 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Carotene-a (Alpha-Carotene)?

What is Carotene-a?

As a precursor to vitamin A, carotene is a necessary part of the diet. The most commonly talked about and studied is beta-carotene, because it readily converts to vitamin A in the body. Less well known is carotene-a, which is also known as alpha-carotene. All carotenes are pigments that allow more efficient photosynthesis in plants and protect against them against free radicals.

Carotene-a In Our Body And Why Is It Good For Our Health?

Since it only contains one retinyl group, versus beta-carotene’s two, conversion of carotene-a to vitamin A is only half as efficient. However, the benefits of this form are not limited to vitamin production. It is also a potent antioxidant, scavenging the by-products of metabolism and removes them from the body. It is also important in promoting communication between cells. Through both of these mechanisms, many researchers believe that alpha-carotene in the diet will reduce the risk of many types of cancer, autoimmune disorders, and yeast infections.

Carotene-a is a fat soluble micro-nutrient, meaning that it is stored in body fat and requires fat for proper absorption. Low-fat diets and certain conditions that inhibit fat absorption can prevent absorption of carotenes. Certain medicines used to treat high cholesterol and margarines containing plant sterols will inhibit absorption. No health consequences are linked to a deficiency in carotene-a, but it is found in most of the same foods containing beta-carotene. A lack of sufficient carotenes in general may lead to vitamin A deficiency. Lack of sufficient levels of vitamin A will depress the immune system and lead to blindness.

The Institute of Medicine has not found any toxicity issues associated with carotene-A or carotene intake in general. Vitamin A can be toxic in high amounts, but the body will not continue to manufacture it from carotenes when sufficient amounts are already present.

Carrots for carrot juice

Top Fruits For Carotene-a Content

The amounts of Vitamin A are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Carrot 3427 mcg
2 Pumpkin 515 mcg
3 Tangerine 101 mcg
4 Tomato 101 mcg
5 Banana 25 mcg
6 Apricot 19 mcg
7 Mango 17 mcg
8 Raspberry 16 mcg
9 Mulberry 12 mcg
10 Orange 11 mcg
11 Durian 6 mcg
12 Kiwi 4 mcg
13 Cranberry 1 mcg
14 Lemon 1 mcg
15 Grape 1 mcg
16 Mangosteen 1 mcg
17 Cucumber 0 mcg
18 Blueberry 0 mcg
19 Plum 0 mcg
20 Watermelon 0 mcg
21 Lychee 0 mcg
22 Cherry (sweet) 0 mcg
23 Papaya 0 mcg
24 Jackfruit 0 mcg
25 Peach 0 mcg
26 Strawberry 0 mcg
27 Pineapple 0 mcg
28 Redcurrant 0 mcg
29 Apple 0 mcg
30 Melon (Cantaloupe) 0 mcg
31 Pear 0 mcg
32 Passion Fruit 0 mcg
33 Guava 0 mcg
34 Blackberry 0 mcg
35 Pomegranate 0 mcg
36 Fig 0 mcg
37 Elderberry 0 mcg
38 Grapefruit 0 mcg
39 Lime 0 mcg
40 Gooseberry 0 mcg
41 Blackcurrant 0 mcg