22 Mar

Strawberry Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Strawberry Juice?

Strawberry juice side effects are extremely uncommon. However, there are a couple of potential side effects that you need to familiarize yourself with before eating the fruit or drinking its juice.

Strawberry Allergies

A small number of people are allergic to strawberries, and even if you have never experienced an allergic reaction before, you could potentially develop one. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to strawberries can include swelling accompanied by a burning or prickling sensation to the mouth, tongue or cheeks; hives; tearing of the eyes; runny nasal passages; difficulty breathing through the nose; sneezing; itching; dermatitis; asthma; rhinitis; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; cramps; eczema; and, in extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock and asphyxia.

Strawberry juice side effects

Strawberry Juice Side Effects And Phenols

Strawberries contain phenols, which are phytonutrients. While this is typically one of the characteristics of strawberries that make them largely considered a sort of “wonder fruit”, somewhat more recent research indicates that the benefits of the phenols can come at a price. Strawberries have long since been heralded as a fantastic anti-cancer and anti-aging food, but new evidence suggests that phenols may have no innate mechanism that allows them to differentiate between, say, tumor cells and healthy cells. Thus, while the phenols do happen to attack cancer cells, they also tend to weaken surrounding healthy cells as well.

As with all foods, it is important to know your body and how you react to certain foods. Moreover, it is important to consume foods in moderation, and stray away from tendencies of leaning on any one, particular food source for your nutrition. Keep a healthy, balanced diet and you will likely avoid any potential strawberry juice side effects.