22 Mar

Strawberry Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Strawberry Juice?

Strawberry juice side effects are extremely uncommon. However, there are a couple of potential side effects that you need to familiarize yourself with before eating the fruit or drinking its juice.

Strawberry Allergies

A small number of people are allergic to strawberries, and even if you have never experienced an allergic reaction before, you could potentially develop one. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to strawberries can include swelling accompanied by a burning or prickling sensation to the mouth, tongue or cheeks; hives; tearing of the eyes; runny nasal passages; difficulty breathing through the nose; sneezing; itching; dermatitis; asthma; rhinitis; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; cramps; eczema; and, in extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock and asphyxia.

Strawberry juice side effects

Strawberry Juice Side Effects And Phenols

Strawberries contain phenols, which are phytonutrients. While this is typically one of the characteristics of strawberries that make them largely considered a sort of “wonder fruit”, somewhat more recent research indicates that the benefits of the phenols can come at a price. Strawberries have long since been heralded as a fantastic anti-cancer and anti-aging food, but new evidence suggests that phenols may have no innate mechanism that allows them to differentiate between, say, tumor cells and healthy cells. Thus, while the phenols do happen to attack cancer cells, they also tend to weaken surrounding healthy cells as well.

As with all foods, it is important to know your body and how you react to certain foods. Moreover, it is important to consume foods in moderation, and stray away from tendencies of leaning on any one, particular food source for your nutrition. Keep a healthy, balanced diet and you will likely avoid any potential strawberry juice side effects.

01 Mar

Banana Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

There are a few banana juice side effects that range from the potentially life-threatening to the mildly irritating. You should make yourself aware of these before eating the fruit or drinking its juice.

Banana Juice Side Effects And Constipation

As unripened, green bananas are particularly high in starch, there is a risk for constipation when consumed. In addition, a banana eaten before its proper time is high in pectin, which absorbs the fluid in the digestive tract and thus hardens the stool. However, as long you avoid unripened bananas, constipation is not a problem that you are likely to face.

Allergic Reactions

There are actually two possible types of allergic reactions linked to bananaspollen allergies and latex allergies.

It is highly unlikely that you would suffer from any banana juice side effects

An allergic reaction to the pollen from banana trees may not be present at first, but can develop over time if you are already allergic to other types of tree pollen such as birch. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to tree pollen may show themselves immediately or take up to an hour after consumption to appear. The symptoms are typically isolated to the mouth and throat and may include swelling and inflammation of the lips and mouth, runny or congested nasal passages, itching, bloodshot eyes, and general fatigue.

If you are an individual with a history of allergic reactions to latex-based products you may also come to develop a reaction to bananas due to the fact that the banana is somewhat similar to natural latex. This condition is known as latex-fruit syndrome. Symptoms often vary, but can include hives, abdominal pain, swelling, inflammation, itching, and vomiting. Severe reactions can include anaphylactic shock, which includes a sudden and severe drop in blood pressure, and is potentially life-threatening.

So long as you avoid consuming unripened bananas and do not have a history of tree pollen or latex allergic reactions it is highly unlikely that you will experience any negative banana juice side effects.

27 Feb

Kiwi Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

The most common kiwi juice side effects are allergies to kiwis. Symptoms of an allergy may manifest differently in different people. Some people may experience only a minor oral irritation, but a kiwi allergy can lead to anaphylaxis in others. Hives, swelling and skin rashes are also common allergic reactions. Some people also report tingling or itching in the mouth along with localized swelling of the tongue, mouth and lips when drinking kiwi juice.

Potassium and Vitamins C and E

Kiwis are high in potassium and vitamins C and E. High levels of these nutrients can alter serotonin levels in the brain or triglyceride levels in the blood.

kiwi juice side effects

Other Kiwi Juice Side Effects

Some people have reported vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and dysphagia as potential side effects.

In severe kiwi juice side effects cases, acute pancreatitis has been reported.