06 Mar

Blackberry Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

There has not been enough research to sufficiently determine whether or not the medicinal use of blackberry juice might have side effects. However, blackberry juice used at levels consistent with typical food and drink portions is currently considered completely safe.

At the time of this writing, the only known blackberry juice side effects that should cause concern are the slight possibilities of nausea and vomiting. This is due to the relatively low level of tannins present in the fruit. Most people will not experience such side effects, but those with sensitive stomachs and a history of chronic gastrointestinal problems should use blackberry juice with caution.

Apart from rare nausea there are no known blackberry juice side effects

As long as nausea or vomiting are not experienced, there is no evidence to suggest that a person can drink too much blackberry juice.

24 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Zinc?

What is Zinc?

You might remember zinc from its place on the periodic table in chemistry class. Denoted with a simple ZN, this chemical element is a transition metal, like nickel, and it’s a nutrient. As a mineral, zinc becomes very soft and malleable when it’s heated, and it helps make other metals stronger. It’s also used in sunscreen, batteries and coins. This nutrient is also very important to living organisms, and in humans, it keeps more than 200 chemical reactions operating smoothly.

Zinc In Our Body

We absorb zinc from a number of different foods that we eat, such as grains and seeds. To stay healthy we need to have about 11 milligrams of zinc daily. By consuming zinc, we are able to process carbohydrates, fats, proteins, make new cells and encourage our body’s ability to heal wounds, such as cuts and bruises.

The main reason zinc is essential to the human body is that it keeps us healthier because it acts as an antioxidant, building up the body’s immune system. For pregnant women, it ensures that the baby develops as it should. It encourages the body to develop properly throughout childhood and adolescence.

When you’re not consuming enough zinc, it can affect how you taste and smell things, often resulting in a loss of appetite and weight loss. You might also suffer from hair loss, excessive acne and depression. You may notice that you have more stretch marks, that you’re sick more often and that seeing at night is more difficult.

Unfortunately, most people don’t consume the correct amount of zinc every day. However, by eating the right foods, you can change that. The result? You’ll have more energy. You’ll be sick less often. You’ll have an easier time getting pregnant. Bottom line: you can live healthier.

Blackberry for blackberry juice

Top Fruits For Zinc Content

The amounts of Zinc are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Blackberry 0,50 mg
2 Jackfruit 0,42 mg
3 Raspberry 0,40 mg
4 Pomegranate 0,40 mg
5 Pumpkin 0,30 mg
6 Blackcurrant 0,30 mg
7 Durian 0,30 mg
8 Blueberry 0,20 mg
9 Peach 0,20 mg
10 Redcurrant 0,20 mg
11 Melon (Cantaloupe) 0,20 mg
12 Guava 0,20 mg
13 Mangosteen 0,20 mg
14 Cucumber 0,20 mg
15 Carrot 0,20 mg
16 Apricot 0,20 mg
17 Fig 0,20 mg
18 Tomato 0,17 mg
19 Banana 0,15 mg
20 Kiwi 0,14 mg
21 Strawberry 0,14 mg
22 Plum 0,10 mg
23 Watermelon 0,10 mg
24 Lychee 0,10 mg
25 Cherry (sweet) 0,10 mg
26 Papaya 0,10 mg
27 Orange 0,10 mg
28 Mulberry 0,10 mg
29 Elderberry 0,10 mg
30 Grapefruit 0,10 mg
31 Passion Fruit 0,10 mg
32 Lime 0,10 mg
33 Gooseberry 0,10 mg
34 Cranberry 0,10 mg
35 Tangerine 0,07 mg
36 Lemon 0,06 mg

24 Jan

Blackberry Nutrition Facts

Blackberry Nutrition Facts

Betaine 0,3 mg
Calcium 29 mg
Calories 43 Calories
Carbohydrate 10,2 g
Carotene-a 0 mcg
Carotene-ß 128 mcg
Choline 8,5 mg
Copper 0,2 mg
Dietary Fiber 5,3 g
Fluoride 0 mcg
Folate 25 mcg
Iron 0,6 mg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 118 mcg
Lycopene  mcg
Magnesium 20 mg
Manganese 0,6 mg
Niacine 0,6 mg
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) 5347 µ mol TE
Pantothenic Acid 0,3 mg
Phosphorus 22 mg
Phytonutrients 246 mcg
Potassium 162 mg
Protein 1,4 g
Pyridoxine Vit. B6 0,3 mg
Riboflavin Vit. B2 0 mg
Selenium 0,4 mcg
Sodium 1 mg
Sugar 4,9 g
Thiamine 0 mg
Total Fat 0,5 g
Vitamin A 214 IU
Vitamin B6 0 mg
Vitamin C 21 mg
Vitamin E 1,2 mg
Vitamin K 19,8 mcg
Water 88,1 g
Zinc 0,5 mg

14 Dec

The Many Health Benefits of Blackberry Juice

Blackberries are not only delicious but they also offer a multitude of health benefits for the health conscious consumer. These small dark berries offer a variety of vitamins and nutrients that can help to boost your energy levels in addition to a host of other nutritional benefits. A great way to enjoy these benefits is by drinking blackberry juice. Health benefits of blackberry juice will set you on your way to improved health and increased vitality.

Blackberries make a thick, dark and savory juice that is almost wine like in flavor. Large quantities of berries are needed to make just a small amount of juice. In fact, it can take almost three and half pounds of berries to make up only a quart of blackberry juice. The juice can be watered down for a slightly less intense flavor. It can also be used in a variety of different ways such as in the making of black berry pies, preserves, smoothies, ice cream, lemonade and even liquors for a distinctive, tart and decadent flavoring. The health benefits of blackberry juice can best be received either through drinking the juice directly or eating the whole fruit.

Blackberry for blackberry juice


Blackberry juice has a variety of health benefits which can help to increase overall health. One of the main benefits of blackberry juice is its antioxidant properties which aid in fighting free radical cells which occur sporadically throughout the body. By preventing these free radicals from taking over and affecting otherwise healthy cells within the body, the antioxidant properties are able to aid in the prevention of potential cancer causing cells. Blackberry juice has one of the most powerful antioxidant properties among fruits.

Rich In Vitamin A and C,  Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Iron

In addition to its antioxidant benefits, black berry juice has a wealth of vitamins such as vitamins A and C. Blackberry juice is also rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. The blackberry fruit has been used for thousands of years for daily ailments as well as several illnesses which can occurr in the body. Some of the ailments for which blackberry juice has been used include whooping cough, stomach illnesses, ulcers, gout, diarrhea, nausea, venom bites and sore throat. Black berries have also been used to help bring down a fever and treat bowel problems. This is an excellent juice to drink during the colder months when colds and flus are common. Its antioxidant properties combined with its health benefits for sore throats and fever make this juice an effective natural remedy.

Anthocyanin and Ellagic Acid

Blackberry juice has an almost endless list of beneficial properties. Its health boosting effects have been used in treating many ailments as well as preventing new ones from occurring. Blackberries are high in a pigment called anthocyanin and ellagic acid which are powerful antioxidants that help to fight toxicity in the body and prevent cancer and other diseases.


Blackberries also have a high amount of plant estrogen which is called phytoestrogen. This compound is known to play an integral role in the prevention of cervical cancer as well as breast cancer.

Health benefits if blackberries and blackberry juice

Blackberry Juice And Premature Aging

Blackberry juice is a powerful health promoting beverage which can even combat the signs of aging through its high antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in blackberries work to eliminate the toxic cells which damage DNA and lead to signs of premature aging. Blackberries also contain high levels of tannin which works to tighten tissue in the body.

Health Benefits of Blackberry Juice – Inflammations and Cholesterol

Blackberries help to combat hemorrhoids, diarrhea and reduce intestinal inflammations. The health benefits of blackberry juice also include the reduction of cholesterol. Salicylate which is found in blackberries is also the same substance added to aspirin which is known to combat heart disease and cholesterol. Blackberries also work to strengthen blood vessels, protect eyesight and combat heart disease.

The health benefits of blackberry juice are numerous and have a far reaching effect on the human body. Consuming this savory juice is one of the best things you can do for your body. Its medicinal properties have been used for thousands of years to treat illnesses and aid in the prevention of cancer causing cells. Blackberries are among the top ten fruits with strong antioxidant powers that have been well proven to aid the human body in a myriad of ways.