03 Apr

Pomegranate Juice Side Effects

Consuming pomegranates is typically safe and healthy, but some people do experience some side effects. Here is a list of pomegranate juice side effects. Some of the side effects only pertain to certain individuals, but other pomegranate juice side effects affect all people who consume pomegranates.

Allergy to Pomegranate Fruit

Some individuals are allergic to pomegranate, so they can have an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergy to pomegranate include difficulty swallowing, itching in the mouth, difficulty breathing, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, hives and abdominal pain after consuming pomegranate juice. People who are allergic to some plants are more likely to be allergic to pomegranates. It’s a good idea to start out drinking small amounts of pomegranate juice to determine an allergy to pomegranates early on before a major reaction occurs.

Pomegranate Roots and Stems

While drinking pomegranate juice made from the pomegranate seeds is generally safe, the roots and stems of pomegranates are not safe to consume. The pomegranate’s root contains a poison and is unsafe to consume. Stay away from the pomegranate’s roots when consuming the fruit or its juice.

pomegranate juice side effects

Pomegranate’s Effect on Blood Pressure

Consuming pomegranate juice can lower or raise blood pressure, so doctors recommend that individuals stop drinking pomegranate juice two weeks before a surgery. In addition, pomegranate juice can interact with some blood pressure medicines, so consult a doctor before drinking pomegranate juice if you have any blood pressure problems.

Over-consumption of Pomegranate Juice

Like with most fruit juices and even water, stomach and gastrointestinal issues can occur if an individual consumes too much pomegranate juice. These pomegranate juice side effects include diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

25 Nov

The Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

Have you been noticing a large red bumpy-textured fruit on your grocer’s produce display? Or maybe you have seen bottles of dark red juice prominently featured in the fruit juice section of the store? The rise in popularity and availability of the pomegranate fruit and its extracted juice has been meteoric in recent years.

The pomegranate tree is a native to the middle east and is one with a long history. Variously called a shrub or a small tree, it can reach heights of fifteen to twenty feet. Grown originally in countries such as Iran and Iraq, a variety of the plant developed to produce as much juice as possible has been transplanted to the United States, especially California and Arizona. And while pomegranates are sold as an eating fruit in the produce section of the grocery, it is the juice that has become well-known in the last decade for its apparently never-ending list of healthy effects. Many of the health benefits of pomegranate juice have been researched and verified, and studies continue to bolster its reputation as it shows the promise of being a near-miracle fruit juice.

Health benefits of pomegranate juice

Antioxidant Potency Levels In Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is easily and efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream. Studies have shown that the active ingredients in pomegranate juice are readily available to the body, especially the ellagic acid which is quickly absorbed after ingestion. This means that the beneficial substances in the juice can be efficiently used by the body, and there is little waste of these nutrients. The antioxidant potency levels in pomegranate juice equal or exceed those found in red wine and green tea, and many of its benefits result from this quality.

Positive Effects On The Cardiovascular System

Drinking the juice of the pomegranate regularly is beneficial for your heart. Several research studies have focused on the positive effects on the cardiovascular system from drinking the juice. In the case of atherosclerosis, the growth rate of the disease was slowed in nearly one-third of trial subjects in one study. Plaque build-up in the arteries was reduced in 30% of the subjects in another study of the cardiovascular effects, and a further study showed a 20% reduction in the levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) in the blood after a regular regimen of the juice. Increased blood flow to the heart has also been the subject of research, and the juice was effective in producing improved flow in almost 20% of the subjects studied. These studies and others have proved that pomegranate juice can be good for the heart and the circulatory system.

Growth-slowing Effect On Various Types Of Cancers

While results have not been completely conclusive, there is quite a bit of evidence that the use of pomegranate juice has a growth-slowing effect on various types of cancers. Clinical studies first with mice, then on male human subjects, showed that the growth of prostate cancer was decreased over a several year period when pomegranate juice was regularly consumed. Other research suggested that the fruit juice can limit or reverse the progress of lung cancer. A study of the effect on women with breast cancer of pomegranate extract revealed that drinking the juice actually seemed to kill the cancerous cells, while keeping new cells from occurring. It is not a stretch of the imagination to assume that if there is a preventative and curative result from drinking the juice on some cancers, it may be enlisted in the fight against the disease in general. Pomegranate may someday be credited with providing an end to the cancer crisis.

Other Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

Many other health benefits of pomegranate juice have been reported.

A positive effect on metabolism has been shown to happen for people who drink the dark red juice of the pomegranate. In studies with diabetics ingestion of the juice was proved to have no negative effects on any measures of the disease parameters, and it has also been shown to be a good low-glycemic index food for diabetics.

Regular consumption has been effective in lowering blood pressure as well, with measures of systolic pressure averaging 5% lower in test subjects.

Cartilage deterioration may be slowed by drinking pomegranate juice, which in turn means that it can improve osteoarthritis and relieve associated pain.

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease in one study showed improved brain functioning after ingesting the extracted juice over a year period.

It may be a competitor and a natural one in the viagra market – in a study of men exhibiting erectile dysfunction, the regular daily drinking of pomegranate juice was seen to reduce the incidence of sexual difficulties.

Finally, pomegranate juice has been proved to have a reducing effect on the build-up of dental plaque.

The Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice can be realized by drinking the juice in sufficient amounts (most studies used a standard of 8 ounces per day) and as part of a regular daily regimen. It is important as well to be sure that you are getting 100% juice, because many cocktails and watered-down combinations with other fruit juices have come on the market to take advantage of the reputation of the pure juice. In addition to all of the benefits discussed, pomegranate juice is loaded with vitamins and minerals, and it tastes very good, with a tart but sweet and full flavor. So raise a glass of pomegranate juice and drink to your health, and to everyone’s!