14 Feb

Health Benefits of Lychee Juice

Though the lychee, a fruit from the soapberry family that is native to China and Southeast Asia, appears to be inedible due to its tough, spiny exterior, it actually harbors numerous proven health benefits once the outer shell is cracked open. Inside is a soft, supple white flesh that is home to many different vitamins and minerals that work to improve a person’s overall health.

Nutritional Benefits

The nutritional benefits of eating a lychee or drinking lychee juice are well documented, and start with its plentiful supply of Vitamin C. Each normal sized fruit or glass of juice contains 72 mg of Vitamin C, which meets or exceeds the daily amount recommended for adults all in one serving. Vitamin C is known to help bolster the immune system, and also helps heal wounds, repair scar tissue and form blood vessels essential to the body.

Calcium is another beneficial ingredient of lychee juice. A regular serving contains up to 5 mg of calcium, which is necessary to help build and maintain strong bones and other functions in the body. Other daily nutritional values satisfied by a serving of lychee juice include Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B6, which are necessary to normal function and energy in adults. A single serving of lychee juice also contains 171 mg of potassium, 31 mg of phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and selenium.

Lychee and it's health benefits

The juice of the lychee is also packed with dietary fiber, which helps promote heart health as well as aid in digestion. People are encouraged to have a minimum of 25 grams of fiber in their diet every day, and lychee juice contains as much fiber as an apple with even more taste. The juice is also totally free of artery-clogging cholesterol and is also low in both sodium and saturated fats. And, since a cup of lychee contains only about 120 calories, it is also a very healthy food for those watching their waistlines.

Medical Benefits

In addition to being packed full of essential nutrients, lychee juice is also used for a variety of medical applications. Many of these medical uses have been in place for thousands of years, ever since the fruit was originally used by those in the ancient Chinese culture. More recently, research published in 2006 in the “Journal of Nutrition” showed that the fruit’s high concentration of polyphenol, an antioxidant, gives it qualities that help protect a person from cardiovascular disease and different forms of cancer. In fact, the study showed that lychees rank only behind strawberries in concentration of polyphenol.

Chinese medicine man

Lychee juice and the fruit itself have been used in Asia and beyond as alternative medical treatments for problems relating to digestion, pain relief and even in fighting the growth of cancer cells in the breasts and liver. Many also believe that lychee juice can help stop coughing and have positive effects on tumors and enlarged glands. The ancient Chinese also used the fruit and its juices to promote positive energy circulation in the body and promote general, overall well-being.

No matter how you consume it, whether in juice form or in fruit form, lychee is a wonderful fruit to have around. The taste is divine, the fruit is succulent and with all the added health benefits of lychee juice, there’s nothing to lose from indulging in lychee juice daily.

22 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)?

The importance of having a balanced diet continues to make headlines in medical journals. A diet that provides all of the nutritional daily needs should include fruits, vegetables and low-fat proteins that supply a full spectrum of vitamins including the vital riboflavin vitamin B2. This important nutritional element helps prevent disorders related to the skin and eyes and reduces the risk of hair loss, lesions and inflammation. Riboflavin is a key factor in regulating metabolism and can affect a person’s energy level and their ability to concentrate. Including vitamin B2 in the diet by consuming natural foods is an important part of ensuring a healthy daily nutrition routine.

Benefits of Riboflavin Vitamin B2

One of the main benefits of riboflavin, or vitamin B2, includes the ability of this element to convert carbohydrates to sugars which provide energy for our daily activities. When the vitamin is absorbed, it helps form healthy red blood cells that continually nourish the body. The immune system is also enhanced by protecting against free-radical damage. Both children and adults need to maintain the minimum daily requirement of vitamin B2 to ensure overall good health.

Other benefits found from riboflavin include improved skin and hair texture. Eating foods rich in riboflavin helps prevent cataracts and acts as an anti-aging medium.

Health Risks from Deficiencies from Riboflavin Vitamin B2

Having an insufficient supply of riboflavin can lead to disorders that range from mild to severe. People under stress are often affected by the lack of vitamin B2 and may have difficulty sleeping or experience a lack of energy. During pregnancy, sufficient amounts of vitamin B2 helps prevent damage to the unborn fetus. Skin lesions are another symptom from riboflavin deficiencies as is hair loss. Migraine headache sufferers may have a riboflavin deficiency that is correctable by changing dietary habits.

Durian health benefits

Top Fruits For Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Content

The amounts of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Durian 0,20 mg
2 Cranberry 0,20 mg
3 Pumpkin 0,10 mg
4 Lychee 0,10 mg
5 Redcurrant 0,10 mg
6 Grape 0,10 mg
7 Mulberry 0,10 mg
8 Elderberry 0,10 mg
9 Passion Fruit 0,10 mg
10 Mango 0,10 mg
11 Blackcurrant 0,10 mg
12 Mangosteen 0,10 mg
13 Pomegranate 0,10 mg
14 Fig 0,10 mg
15 Banana 0,07 mg
16 Jackfruit 0,06 mg
17 Tangerine 0,04 mg
18 Grapefruit 0,03 mg
19 Cucumber 0,03 mg
20 Melon (Cantaloupe) 0,03 mg
21 Kiwi 0,03 mg
22 Lemon 0,02 mg
23 Pineapple 0,02 mg
24 Blueberry 0,00
25 Plum 0,00
26 Watermelon 0,00
27 Cherry (sweet) 0,00
28 Papaya 0,00
29 Peach 0,00
30 Strawberry 0,00
31 Orange 0,00
32 Apple 0,00
33 Pear 0,00
34 Lime 0,00
35 Gooseberry 0,00
36 Raspberry 0,00
37 Guava 0,00
38 Blackberry 0,00
39 Carrot 0,00
40 Tomato 0,00
41 Apricot 0,00