04 Mar

Health Benefits of Melon Juice

Melon Juice is a delicious drink that is commonly made from cantaloupe, sometimes known as “muskmelon”, which is the most popular melon type in the country. One cup of cantaloupe supplies you with 108% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin A and 98% of the RDA of Vitamin C. Other vitamins and minerals contained in cantaloupe include potassium, folic acid, niacin, dietary fiber, vitamin K, magnesium and thiamin. All these ingredients are what makes cantaloupe so nutritious, and of course taking in cantaloupe in the form of melon juice is the best way to ingest high amounts of this wonder fruit. Did I mention that cantaloupe is low in calories? One cup of cantaloupe contains a mere 53 calories, a good thing to keep in mind when making your own melon juice. A glass of melon juice has more health benefits than you would ever imagine.

Cantaloupes (Melon) juice health benefits

Healthy Circulatory System

Melon juice, with its high Vitamin C content, slows down the process of hardening of the arteries resulting in lowering your arteriosclerosis risk. The antioxidants fight high cholesterol levels. In addition, the potassium helps rid your body of too much sodium which can lower your blood pressure. Cantaloupes also contain a unique compound that has been found to lower the risk of blood clots.

Healthy Immune System and Cancer Prevention

The Vitamin C found in cantaloupe stimulates white blood cells which helps fight infection and builds up your immune system. Vitamin C can help fight anything from the common cold to more serious illnesses. The antioxidant properties protect cells and can prevent cancer, especially melanoma and intestinal cancer.

Healthy Eyes

In addition to Vitamin C, melon juice also has a high quantity of vitamin A, which is not only needed by the retina, but also helps the surface of the eye protect itself against bacteria and viruses and reduces your chances of developing eye infections and cataracts. There is also substantial evidence that this high vitamin A and vitamin C combination can help fight the risk of macular degeneration, especially when recommended amounts of Vitamin E, zinc and copper are consumed in addition.

Healthy Pregnancy and other Women’s Health Benefits

All the vitamins and minerals found in melon juice can definitely make for a more healthy pregnancy. The thiamine content raises your energy level and helps your body absorb the iron that is so vital during pregnancy. The niacin promotes good digestion, and the high content of folic acid supports the placenta and can help to prevent neural tube defects in your baby. As stated before, the potassium in cantaloupe helps to rid your body of too much sodium, which ultimately will reduce water retention, a common irritation that goes along with pregnancy. Not pregnant? Drinking melon juice during menstruation will reduce heavy flow and clotting. The potassium also helps relieve muscular aches and pains.

Healthy Sense of Well-Being

In this fast-paced busy world we live in, high levels of stress can be either an occasional problem or even an ongoing one. Drinking melon juice can help reduce stress. The high potassium helps bring down your blood pressure which helps to oxygenate your brain; and another special compound found in cantaloupe calms anxieties. Because of this a glass of melon juice before bedtime can also help you sleep better. If you are a smoker who is trying to quit, melon juice can help your body deal with nicotine withdrawal; and can also replace the high levels of vitamin A that are lost as a result of smoking.

The many health benefits of melon juice cannot be denied. With its high vitamin and mineral content, as well as its delicious taste and low calorie content, there’s no reason not to start enjoying this wonderful juice that can do so much for your body and mind.

03 Mar

Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

You may already have heard tomato juice described as a “super food” but you may not know exactly why it was placed in this healthy food category. The health benefits of tomato juice are numerous and range from cancer fighting properties to heart and bone health. One look at the list of vitamins and minerals can help you understand just how beneficial this juice can be for the human body. With vitamins C, A, K, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and the minerals potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus; along with protein, fiber and lycopene, it’s easy to see that tomato juice can be very beneficial for your overall health.

The Antioxidant Lycopene

Lycopene is a very unique antioxidant that is found to be abundant in tomato juice. It helps the human body rid itself of free radicals that damage your cells. Because of this ability to defend your cells, lycopene has been proven to help your body prevent nearly every type of cancer by flushing out carcinogens while also defending your body against atherosclerosis, heart disease, and even heart attacks. It is even believed by many scientists that this super antioxidant can help to prevent osteoporosis by encouraging bone health. Also, it has been shown that lycopene can reverse skin damage from ultraviolet light because of its strong antioxidant properties.

Health benefits of tomato juice

Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

If you are one of the many people suffering from high blood pressure or an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol, then you may want to start drinking more tomato juice. The good source of potassium you get in a cup of tomato juice helps regulate blood pressure. The fiber and vitamin B3 in this juice will help to lower bad cholesterol.

Prevent Heart Attacks and Stroke

Potassium also helps your heart (as well as the other muscles in your body) to function properly, which can prevent a heart attack. At the same time, there are compounds called platelet factors that help to prevent blood clots. This can also prevent heart attacks and even strokes. The vitamin B6 helps breakdown homocystene, a compound that damages your blood vessels, keeping your heart and major blood vessels healthy.

Increase Bone and Joint Health

I mentioned earlier about lycopene protecting bones and keeping them healthy. The Vitamin C in tomato juice also keeps bones and teeth healthy. There are many great antioxidants in tomatoes that help defend your bones against free radicals. A recent scientific study showed that taking tomatoes completely out of someone’s diet actually became detrimental to their bone density.

Tomato Juice Will Boost Your Immune System

Of course with the excellent source of vitamin C, you probably already realize tomatoes are good for your immune system. The antioxidants and vitamin A are also good for boosting your immune system. The B vitamins and amino acids also help your immune system because they are important for building those immune system cells. With a healthy immune system you are less likely to become ill and, if you do get sick, you will fight it off much more quickly.

Other Health Benefits Of Tomato Juice

Tomato juice has been shown to help prevent certain cases of Alzheimer’s disease possibly due to the rich source of antioxidants. Tomatoes also seem to help people manage their diabetes better and even reduce obesity. In animal studies, consuming tomato juice appears to prevent emphysema, probably because of the great source of antioxidants protecting the lungs. On top of these benefits the B vitamins in tomato juice can give you more energy, improve your memory and make you feel better overall.

Every day scientists are uncovering more health benefits of this super food and, although many more disease preventions are associated with the tomato, it is not yet understood how the preventive properties work. More research is being conducted to affirm and determine the true health potential of this amazing fruit. It is like a tasty wonder drug with no negative side effects.

17 Feb

Health Benefits of Tangerine Juice

Aside from being sweet and flavorful, tangerine juice has many benefits for your health. In terms of nutritional value and disease-fighting properties, tangerine juice has several advantages over orange juice. From protecting you from diseases and cancer to keeping you fuller longer, this juice has a health benefit for nearly everyone.

Nutritional Value – The Source Of The Health Benefits Of Tangerine Juice

Tangerine juice has all of the tangy flavor of orange juice but with added nutrition. This juice is an excellent source of many antioxidants, such as hesperetin, xanthins, lutein, beta-carotene, and narigenin. Anti-oxidants eliminate free radicals that can cause cancer, as well as fight aging. The anti-oxidant beta cryptoxanthin may reduce inflammation from arthritis. Lutein protects the eyes and helps you keep your eyesight sharp. The flavenoid tangeretin is a powerful agent that has been shown in studies to prevent skin cancer and helps stop the spread of breast-cancer cells. The flavonoids tangeretin and nobiletin have blood thinning and anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce your risk of heart attacks.


Additionally, tangerine juice is chock-full of vitamin C, which boosts your immunity. Consuming adequate amounts of vitamin C helps your body fight infections from the common cold to the flu. In addition to helping increase your immune function, vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, and helps boost wound healing.

Tangerine juice contains folic acid and potassium, and it is also an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which promotes regularity. Being regular has been proven to reduce your risk for developing some forms of cancer, such as colon cancer. The fiber also helps prevent your body from absorbing cholesterol. Fiber whisks some of the cholesterol content from your food out of your system, which can lower your blood levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol.

One serving of tangerine juice provides 20-percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. This is 10-times as much vitamin A as orange juice. Vitamin A is instrumental in protecting your eyesight, promoting immune function and bone and tissue health. The vitamin A in tangerine juice may also stimulate cell growth and cell division.

Antiseptic Properties

Tangerines have natural germ-fighting properties. Tangerine juice may help your body defend itself against an infection from the staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus is highly contagious and causes painful lesions and boils on the skin, particularly on the face or in other tender areas such as the groin or the armpits.


In addition to fighting harmful bacteria, the pectin in tangerine juice has been proven to help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria improve digestion and increases your body’s ability to defend against harmful bacteria which can cause inflammation and intestinal disorders. When harmful bacteria enter the gut, beneficial bacteria help usher the bad bacteria out of your system before they can cause an infection.

Diet Support

Tangerine juice is an excellent way to start your day if you are dieting. The fiber and carbohydrates in the juice help keep you feeling full, which will prevent over-indulgence later on. Additionally, the sweet finish of the tangerine flavor can help prevent the cravings for sugar that can derail a diet.

Health benefits of tangerine juice

Starting your day with tangerine juice is a tasty and healthy way to boost your immunity, bolster your digestive and tissue health and protect your body against the ravages of cancer. Tangerine juice is powerful enough to do all of those things, yet it is so tangy-sweet and flavorful that you will forget all about its many health benefits and simply enjoy the flavor.

23 Dec

The Natural Health and Beauty Benefits of Elderberry Juice

Elderberries are heaving with a range of nutrients that everyone can benefit from. This berry contains fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and many of the B vitamins. In addition, they have potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium. They also contain flavanoids, carotenoids, amino acids, and tannins which all contribute to the health benefits of elderberry juice. As you can see, there are many different properties within the elderberry and each can have a major effect on your health.

Elderberries have commonly been utilized in folk medicine for treatment of various forms of illnesses. Currently Austria is the largest elderberry producing country in the world. As elderberries are edible when cooked food manufacturers of juices, jams, wines, as well as yogurts often use elderberry within their product. Recent studies have found that elderberries are strong sources of anthocyanins which is a powerful purple pigmentation that has been found to be particularly beneficial to health in many ways. Elderberries are known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and possible anti-cancerous properties. In addition, elderberries have been used in the treatment of herpes simplex and HIV as these are diseases that are directly related to the immune system.

Health benefits of elderberry juice

Health Benefits of Elderberry Juice

Elderberry has been used for many years by Native Americans to treat infections of all kinds in addition to wounds. Elderberry juice or extract is commonly used to treat symptoms of the flu such as runny nose, sore throat, muscle pain and fever. In addition, elderberry is a common treatment for constipation as it has properties that work as a laxative. Elderberry has been used as a diuretic as well suggesting that it can be used for kidney health also. Elderberries promote a strong immune reaction against undesired organisms that provoke flu-like symptoms, as the berries are full of antioxidants. They not only strengthen and fortify the immune system they are also excellent sources for potassium and vitamin C.  The health benefits of elderberry juice and extract are outstanding. Three of the most common uses for elderberries and elderberry extract are listed below.

Colds & Flu: Elderberry is most commonly used in the prevention and treatment of the common cold as well as symptoms of the flu.
Constipation: Commonly used in Europe elderberry is used as a mild laxative and diuretic for those suffering from constipation.
Skin Infections and Irritations: When used topically elderberry can help heal many different skin ailments such as rashes and acne.

Elderberry is also thought to help lower cholesterol, improve your vision, reduce allergies, strengthen the heart, and support the respiratory system.

Skin Benefits Of of Elderberry Juice

Elderberry is known as an effective detoxifier and has been known to clear skin infections such as common sin rashes, boils, conjunctivitis, and acne. When used externally this herb is used in skin lotions as a common astringent that may help or prevent many skin infections and inflammations. The anti-aging properties within elderberry work to protect various cells from damaging free radicals.

The ancient Egyptians used the flowers of the elderberry to heal burns and improve the complexion. The anti-oxidant properties of elderberries are excellent for anti-aging remedies and many people may find cremes and moisturizers with elderberry in them to be highly effective for improving the appearance of their skin. However, consuming elderberry will likely give you the best results. Below are a few ailments in which you can use elderberry externally:

• Sprains
• Inflamed Skin
• Acne
• Arthritis
• Wounds
• Bruises
• Rashes

Forms of Elderberry

Elderberry is available in many different forms with the most common being an extracted liquid – juice. It is also available as lozenges, syrup, and capsules. The fresh elderberry plant contains a toxic chemical that is related to cyanide so it is important to never consume raw, uncooked or undeveloped elderberries. When used for a short amount of time, generally less than a week there are no known side effects of elderberry use.

Safety and Side Effects Of of Elderberry Juice

While the health benefits of elderberry juice can be remarkable, it is important to understand that large doses of elderberry can cause uncontrollable diarrhea due to its properties that work as a laxative. In addition, uncooked berries can cause nausea and vomiting and may be toxic as a result; you should only consume elderberries if they have been cooked. Pregnant and nursing women should not use elderberry as the effects if any in pregnant women have not yet been identified.

12 Dec

Health Benefits of Guava Juice

With its high profile of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the guava fruit has quickly become known as a super fruit. In comparison to an orange, the guava fruit has almost five times the amount of Vitamin C. Other abundant vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin D. The rich dietary minerals of potassium, manganese and copper are also prevalent in this fruit. With both polyphenols and carotenoids, the guava has a high antioxidant value in preventing disease. To reap the health benefits of guava juice, you should make drinking guava juice part of your daily regime. There are a myriad of health benefits from consuming this amazing juice.

Guava Juice Boosts the Immune System

Rich in Vitamin C and iron, guava juice is helpful as a protectant against cold and viral infections. With its anti-microbial and astringent properties, guava is helpful in the reduction of decreasing infections in the respiratory system and mucus.

Guava juice

Cancer and Diabetes

With its high levels of polyphenols and carotenoids, guava juice helps fight the free radicals of cancers, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. Guava juice can help lower the risk of developing numerous cancers with its high antioxidant value. It has also been shown to lower blood glucose levels of those suffering from diabetes.

Health Benefits of Guava Juice For Your Heart Health

Guava naturally helps keep cholesterol levels low in the blood. Its natural dietary fiber and hypoglycemic lower blood pressure by regulating blood fluidity. The minerals of potassium, copper and manganese help regulate a stable and smooth heartbeat.

Gastrointestinal System

The guava is rich with astringents that help get rid of diarrhea. These astringents contain anti-bacterial elements that suppress microbial growth and will also eliminate mucus in the intestinal tract. In addition, the carotenoids and vitamins in guava will disinfect and strengthen the gastrointestinal system.


The many properties in guava help promote healthy skin. Because of its astringents, guava enhances smooth skin and helps prevent breakouts. The abundance of Vitamin A and Vitamin B gives the skin a glow and slows down the aging process. Guava is also helpful in the production of collagen which helps skin elasticity.

Health benefits of guava juice

Brain Health

It is a known fact in the medical community that the B group of vitamins play an important role in the overall function of the brain. Guava is rich in the vitamin B6 and B3. Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 promotes brain flow and stimulates brain function. Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for nerve and brain function.

Weight Management With Guava Juice

The health benefits of guavas can also extend to weight management. Guava can be helpful for those wishing to lose weight without cutting back on protein, fiber and vitamins. Since guava is both high in proteins and roughage, a small amount is filling. This can help reduce snacking between meals and overeating at meal time.

Because of its extensive range of health benefits, juicing and drinking guava juice has become popular among health enthusiasts. Health benefits of guava juice have surpassed that of oranges, strawberries and blueberries. You should drink guava juice every day to prevent disease and maintain good health.

27 Nov

The Multiple Health Benefits of Redcurrant Juice

The health benefits of redcurrant juice are considerable; the antioxidant properties of bright red fruits, such as redcurrants, have long been regarded as some of the strongest natural sources to be found, and for thousands of years, the healing properties of redcurrants have helped to treat a variety of wounds and illnesses. Drinking the juice squeezed from fresh fruit juice is a great way to ensure that you get your required daily dose of vitamins and minerals, and the juice obtained from the redcurrant is no exception to this rule.

Health benefits of readcurrant juice.
Redcurrants Contain a Significant Amount of Vitamin C

Redcurrants contain a significant amount of vitamin C.  However, because of their slightly sour taste, if the juice is found to be unpalatable, it may be preferable to mix it with a little natural sweetener, such as honey, before drinking.  Vitamin C is highly regarded for its properties which help protect the immune system, as well as those which keep the skin healthy.  It is a potent antioxidant, which helps to fight against free radical damage caused by exposure to environmental toxins such as pollution, or smoke produced by tobacco products.

Lots Of Other Nutrients And Vitamins

A wonderful natural nutritional source – as well as being packed with vitamin C – redcurrants are rich in potassium, magnesium and iron, and are an excellent source of vitamin B1.  In addition, this tiny super-fruit is high in fiber, and possesses superb anti-inflammatory properties.

Healthy Immune  And Cardio-vascular System, Diabetes, Cancer, Blood Pressure And More…

The health benefits of redcurrant juice can be further attributed to helping maintain a healthy immune system, and offer protection against cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. The potassium contained in redcurrants will help to maintain a healthy blood pressure and prevent muscle cramps; just one cup of redcurrants will provide a little under one-sixth of the recommended adult daily intake of potassium.

The health benefits of redcurrant juice are further illustrated by the presence of magnesium, which, amongst other things, helps to promote healthy nerve and muscle function, and strong and healthy bones.

Redcurrant Juice is Also a Mild Laxative

Due to their high fiber content – a cup yields almost 5g of fiber – redcurrants possess mild laxative and diuretic properties.  As such, their juice can be used to great effect as a tonic to help calm minor stomach upsets, to help flush the bladder through and to keep bowel movements regular. Consuming a fiber-rich diet is also recommended for helping to maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

Regular consumption of redcurrant juice will help to ensure that the digestive system and gut are kept in a healthy condition, and that they perform at an optimum level.


Additionally, the Health Benefits of Redcurrant Juice Include

*  Being used as a mouthwash and gargle to help protect against infections and keep the mouth healthy
*  Helping to induce an appetite
*  Encouraging the body to perspire
*  Helping to keep the blood healthy
*  Assisting in reducing fevers
*  Helping to alleviate problems with menstrual flow
*  Reducing the symptoms of arthritis, gout and rheumatism with their natural anti-inflammatory properties
*  Being used as a natural antiseptic to help soothe cuts, grazes, spots or rashes

It should be noted, though, that some of the health benefits of redcurrant juice are diminished when the fruit is subjected to certain processes involving heat and light.  With this in mind, freshly squeezed juice should always be the first choice to ensure that the maximum benefits are obtained.

The best redcurrants are firm in texture, with a bright color.  After purchase, they should be used as soon as possible, but if they cannot be used straight away, they should be removed from any plastic packaging, put onto a plate or into a paper bag, and stored in a refrigerator.  Under these conditions, they should last for about a week.  To ensure that they keep as well as possible, they should not be washed until just before they are ready to be used.

It should be noted that the health benefits of redcurrant juice will not be compromised too much by juicing fruit which has been stored for a while, providing it has been kept in a cool, dark, place.  In addition, if fresh redcurrants cannot be found, frozen redcurrants can be used for their juice, although their nutritional value will be somewhat diminished.

If you are keen to introduce fresh fruit into your diet as a natural way to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy constitution, the healthy redcurrant juice will certainly help you to achieve your goal.

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