27 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Folate (Vitamin B)?

What Is Folate?

Folate is a B vitamin that easily dissolves in water. It occurs mostly in foods such as leafy greens and grains, and it can also be converted into a supplement known as folic acid. The name folate derives from the Latin word “folium”, which means leaf. Adults and children require folate in their bodies to improve cellular health. This specific B vitamin also reportedly benefits cardiovascular health and mental well-being, to name a few.

Folate In Our Body

Growth and cell division are among the most vital functions necessary for healthy children and adults, with special attention paid to pregnant and nursing women. Folate lays the foundation to produce the building blocks of cells known as DNA and RNA. The vitamin helps to generate new, healthy cells within the body and make healthy red blood cells that block the onset of anemia, which is a condition that causes blood loss and fatigue. In addition to building DNA and RNA, folate also helps defend against any abnormalities that may cause cancer. It also works with homocysteine levels in the body by metabolizing the amino acid and therefore preventing cardiovascular problems such as hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, heart attacks and blood clots.

Folate gets absorbed into the body through the consumption of foods like spinach, broccoli and romaine lettuce. Grains like rice and cereals also carry significant amounts of folate, as well as citrus fruits like oranges.

Folic acid supplements are often reserved for pregnant women or those with folate deficiencies. Experts recommend a daily intake of 400 micrograms for adults; 150 to 300 micrograms for children up to age 13; 600 micrograms for pregnant women and 500 micrograms for breastfeeding women.

Side effects have also been reported, particularly in patients who take other medications or supplements. For example, folate may cause a blood pressure or blood sugar drop. Therefore, adjustments may be made to the patient’s medication schedule. Symptoms such as bloating, cramps and nausea may also occur from taking too much folate.


Top Fruits For Folate Content

The amounts of Folate are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Guava 49,00 mcg
2 Papaya 38,00 mcg
3 Pomegranate 38,00 mcg
4 Durian 36,00 mcg
5 Mangosteen 31,00 mcg
6 Orange 30,00 mcg
7 Carrot 27,00 mcg
8 Kiwi 25,00 mcg
9 Blackberry 25,00 mcg
10 Strawberry 24,00 mcg
11 Melon (Cantaloupe) 21,00 mcg
12 Raspberry 21,00 mcg
13 Banana 20,00 mcg
14 Pineapple 18,00 mcg
15 Pumpkin 16,00 mcg
16 Tangerine 16,00 mcg
17 Tomato 15,00 mcg
18 Lychee 14,00 mcg
19 Jackfruit 14,00 mcg
20 Mango 14,00 mcg
21 Grapefruit 13,00 mcg
22 Lemon 11,00 mcg
23 Apricot 9,00 mcg
24 Redcurrant 8,00 mcg
25 Lime 8,00 mcg
26 Passion Fruit 7,00 mcg
27 Cucumber 7,00 mcg
28 Blueberry 6,00 mcg
29 Mulberry 6,00 mcg
30 Elderberry 6,00 mcg
31 Gooseberry 6,00 mcg
32 Fig 6,00 mcg
33 Plum 5,00 mcg
34 Cherry (sweet) 4,00 mcg
35 Peach 4,00 mcg
36 Grape 4,00 mcg
37 Watermelon 3,00 mcg
38 Apple 3,00 mcg
39 Cranberry 1,00 mcg

17 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Vitamin B6?

What is Vitamin B6?

Vitamins are substances required by your body in tiny amounts. Your body cannot make its own vitamins. They must be acquired from the diet. Vitamin B6 is a part of a larger group of vitamins known as Vitamin B compound. These vitamins are water soluble, so they dissolve easily in water. Your body cannot store water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin B6 must be acquired daily. Its scientific name is pyridoxine.

Vitamin B6 In Our Body

Vitamin B6 is involved in many body functions. It helps you metabolize macronutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It helps convert carbohydrates into glucose for energy. It is necessary to synthesize neurotransmitters that control mood and assists with many functions of the immune system. It participates in keeping electrolytes balanced, promotes the production of red blood cells and helps to keep homocysteine levels low. It contributes to healthy hair, skin, eyesight and good liver function.

Vitamin B6 deficiency includes general weakness, nervousness and irritability. It is responsible for pre-menstrual problems like fluid retention, emotional outbursts and depression. It is essential for the body to make melatonin. Insomnia often results from not enough melatonin. Low levels of Vitamin B6 can also manifest in skin conditions, ridged fingernails and serious bone problems such as arthritis and osteoporosis. One of the most noticeable deficiency symptoms is a swollen or painful tongue.

Many people resort to taking vitamin and mineral supplements when they believe they may not be getting enough in their diet, but sometimes that can be dangerous. Too much Vitamin B6 can cause neurological problems. Numbness, tingling hands or feet, and trouble walking are signs that you may be getting too much Vitamin B6 as well as too little. It is always best to get the vitamins and minerals you need from whole foods.


Top Fruits For Vitamin B6 Content

The amounts of Vitamin B6 are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Banana 0,37 mg
2 Durian 0,30 mg
3 Elderberry 0,20 mg
4 Kiwi 0,10 mg
5 Blueberry 0,10 mg
6 Pumpkin 0,10 mg
7 Lychee 0,10 mg
8 Jackfruit 0,10 mg
9 Pineapple 0,10 mg
10 Orange 0,10 mg
11 Lemon 0,10 mg
12 Redcurrant 0,10 mg
13 Grape 0,10 mg
14 Melon (Cantaloupe) 0,10 mg
15 Mulberry 0,10 mg
16 Grapefruit 0,10 mg
17 Passion Fruit 0,10 mg
18 Gooseberry 0,10 mg
19 Mango 0,10 mg
20 Tangerine 0,10 mg
21 Raspberry 0,10 mg
22 Guava 0,10 mg
23 Blackcurrant 0,10 mg
24 Carrot 0,10 mg
25 Apricot 0,10 mg
26 Pomegranate 0,10 mg
27 Fig 0,10 mg
28 Tomato 0,08 mg
29 Cranberry 0,06 mg
30 Watermelon 0,05 mg
31 Cucumber 0,04 mg
32 Plum 0,00 mg
33 Cherry (sweet) 0,00 mg
34 Papaya 0,00 mg
35 Peach 0,00 mg
36 Strawberry 0,00 mg
37 Apple 0,00 mg
38 Pear 0,00 mg
39 Lime 0,00 mg
40 Blackberry 0,00 mg
41 Mangosteen 0,00 mg

12 Dec

Health Benefits of Guava Juice

With its high profile of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the guava fruit has quickly become known as a super fruit. In comparison to an orange, the guava fruit has almost five times the amount of Vitamin C. Other abundant vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin D. The rich dietary minerals of potassium, manganese and copper are also prevalent in this fruit. With both polyphenols and carotenoids, the guava has a high antioxidant value in preventing disease. To reap the health benefits of guava juice, you should make drinking guava juice part of your daily regime. There are a myriad of health benefits from consuming this amazing juice.

Guava Juice Boosts the Immune System

Rich in Vitamin C and iron, guava juice is helpful as a protectant against cold and viral infections. With its anti-microbial and astringent properties, guava is helpful in the reduction of decreasing infections in the respiratory system and mucus.

Guava juice

Cancer and Diabetes

With its high levels of polyphenols and carotenoids, guava juice helps fight the free radicals of cancers, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. Guava juice can help lower the risk of developing numerous cancers with its high antioxidant value. It has also been shown to lower blood glucose levels of those suffering from diabetes.

Health Benefits of Guava Juice For Your Heart Health

Guava naturally helps keep cholesterol levels low in the blood. Its natural dietary fiber and hypoglycemic lower blood pressure by regulating blood fluidity. The minerals of potassium, copper and manganese help regulate a stable and smooth heartbeat.

Gastrointestinal System

The guava is rich with astringents that help get rid of diarrhea. These astringents contain anti-bacterial elements that suppress microbial growth and will also eliminate mucus in the intestinal tract. In addition, the carotenoids and vitamins in guava will disinfect and strengthen the gastrointestinal system.


The many properties in guava help promote healthy skin. Because of its astringents, guava enhances smooth skin and helps prevent breakouts. The abundance of Vitamin A and Vitamin B gives the skin a glow and slows down the aging process. Guava is also helpful in the production of collagen which helps skin elasticity.

Health benefits of guava juice

Brain Health

It is a known fact in the medical community that the B group of vitamins play an important role in the overall function of the brain. Guava is rich in the vitamin B6 and B3. Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 promotes brain flow and stimulates brain function. Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for nerve and brain function.

Weight Management With Guava Juice

The health benefits of guavas can also extend to weight management. Guava can be helpful for those wishing to lose weight without cutting back on protein, fiber and vitamins. Since guava is both high in proteins and roughage, a small amount is filling. This can help reduce snacking between meals and overeating at meal time.

Because of its extensive range of health benefits, juicing and drinking guava juice has become popular among health enthusiasts. Health benefits of guava juice have surpassed that of oranges, strawberries and blueberries. You should drink guava juice every day to prevent disease and maintain good health.