17 Feb

Health Benefits of Tangerine Juice

Aside from being sweet and flavorful, tangerine juice has many benefits for your health. In terms of nutritional value and disease-fighting properties, tangerine juice has several advantages over orange juice. From protecting you from diseases and cancer to keeping you fuller longer, this juice has a health benefit for nearly everyone.

Nutritional Value – The Source Of The Health Benefits Of Tangerine Juice

Tangerine juice has all of the tangy flavor of orange juice but with added nutrition. This juice is an excellent source of many antioxidants, such as hesperetin, xanthins, lutein, beta-carotene, and narigenin. Anti-oxidants eliminate free radicals that can cause cancer, as well as fight aging. The anti-oxidant beta cryptoxanthin may reduce inflammation from arthritis. Lutein protects the eyes and helps you keep your eyesight sharp. The flavenoid tangeretin is a powerful agent that has been shown in studies to prevent skin cancer and helps stop the spread of breast-cancer cells. The flavonoids tangeretin and nobiletin have blood thinning and anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce your risk of heart attacks.


Additionally, tangerine juice is chock-full of vitamin C, which boosts your immunity. Consuming adequate amounts of vitamin C helps your body fight infections from the common cold to the flu. In addition to helping increase your immune function, vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, and helps boost wound healing.

Tangerine juice contains folic acid and potassium, and it is also an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which promotes regularity. Being regular has been proven to reduce your risk for developing some forms of cancer, such as colon cancer. The fiber also helps prevent your body from absorbing cholesterol. Fiber whisks some of the cholesterol content from your food out of your system, which can lower your blood levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol.

One serving of tangerine juice provides 20-percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. This is 10-times as much vitamin A as orange juice. Vitamin A is instrumental in protecting your eyesight, promoting immune function and bone and tissue health. The vitamin A in tangerine juice may also stimulate cell growth and cell division.

Antiseptic Properties

Tangerines have natural germ-fighting properties. Tangerine juice may help your body defend itself against an infection from the staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus is highly contagious and causes painful lesions and boils on the skin, particularly on the face or in other tender areas such as the groin or the armpits.


In addition to fighting harmful bacteria, the pectin in tangerine juice has been proven to help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria improve digestion and increases your body’s ability to defend against harmful bacteria which can cause inflammation and intestinal disorders. When harmful bacteria enter the gut, beneficial bacteria help usher the bad bacteria out of your system before they can cause an infection.

Diet Support

Tangerine juice is an excellent way to start your day if you are dieting. The fiber and carbohydrates in the juice help keep you feeling full, which will prevent over-indulgence later on. Additionally, the sweet finish of the tangerine flavor can help prevent the cravings for sugar that can derail a diet.

Health benefits of tangerine juice

Starting your day with tangerine juice is a tasty and healthy way to boost your immunity, bolster your digestive and tissue health and protect your body against the ravages of cancer. Tangerine juice is powerful enough to do all of those things, yet it is so tangy-sweet and flavorful that you will forget all about its many health benefits and simply enjoy the flavor.

16 Feb

5 Health Benefits of Banana Juice

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just have a healthier diet, banana juice has many health benefits that will get you to your goal. Bananas are often called a perfect food, and there are many reasons for that. Bananas are packed with vitamins and low in fat. While the health benefits of bananas could fill a list 20 pages long, here are five major health benefits to choosing banana juice the next time you’re thirsty.

Heart Health

Bananas are both high in potassium and low in salt, which makes them a power food for people concerned about heart disease or their blood pressure. Potassium is an important part of a healthy heart, and low levels have been linked to heart disease. Since most Americans aren’t getting their recommended daily amount of potassium, it puts them at risk for heart problems. One medium banana provides about 10% of the potassium you need in a day, so drinking banana juice a few times a day can help you hit your daily goal of 4 grams of potassium a day. In fact, the USDA feels so strongly about the connection between bananas and a healthy heart that they endorse bananas as a heart healthy food.


Mood Elevation

There are a million causes of stress in your life, and it can leave you feeling sad or overwhelmed at times. Next time you feel this way, reach for a glass of banana juice. Bananas are a natural source of tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin. Serotonin calms you and even has a slight tranquilizing effect. Bananas also contain large amounts of vitamin B6, which regulates your mood and is an important vitamin to help your body convert tryptophan to serotonin. Since your body doesn’t make tryptophan on its own, it’s important to get it through your diet, and drinking a glass of banana juice is one of the most simple and delicious ways to do that.

Diet Assistance

The high fiber of bananas make banana juice a great choice for you if you’re trying to get more fiber in your diet, especially if you’re trying to reach a weight loss goal. One medium banana gives you 16% of the daily fiber you need. That’s around the same amount of fiber as is in a fiber supplement, without the chalky aftertaste. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, and helps you lose weight, since it keeps you feeling full longer. Banana juice can be an important part of your diet, whether you’re trying to get healthy or achieve a weight loss goal.

Health benefits of banana juice

Stomach Cure-All

Another benefit of fiber is helping regulate your digestive system. Whether you’re suffering from constipation, diarrhea or just indigestion, banana juice can help get you feeling back to normal. Mothers have long known the benefits of bananas for sufferers of the stomach flu, as a part of the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) diet. Bananas also help to regulate stomach acid, and can help with morning sickness, indigestion and even ulcers.

A Natural Energy Drink

Banana juice is a great source of natural sugars, which provide a quick pick me up, and the fiber content means a sustained energy boost. The protein in bananas helps your heart and muscles work during exertion, and there’s no fat in a banana. That makes banana juice a perfect drink before you work out or in any situation where you need energy that comes on quick, stays for a while, and leaves you feeling great.

With all the chemicals, additives and supplements out there designed to replace a healthy diet, it’s easy to ignore the most simple solutions. A glass of banana juice is a quick, easy, healthy answer to a lot of health problems. Even if you’re just looking for a delicious drink, banana juice together with it’s health benefits is one choice you can make that doesn’t have a downside.

12 Feb

Health Benefits of Mangoes and Mango Juice

Everyone knows that fruit is an important component of a healthy diet. Mangoes and natural mango juice, in particular, are an understated fruit and juice because many people seem to still be simply practicing the “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” philosophy. Mangoes and mango juice are rich in various vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. It’s important to avoid certain mango juice products that can be high in sugar and are not natural and consequently, aren’t all that healthy. Eating mangoes or drinking mango juice somewhat often can offer several advantages, beginning with essential vitamin and mineral consumption.

Mango and mango juice

Vitamins Found in Mangoes and Mango Juice

Mangoes and mango juice are bursting with Vitamin A and C, iron and potassium. Vitamin A is noted by medical professionals for its immense contribution to good vision. Vitamin C supports a healthy immune system. Both Vitamin A and C are classified as antioxidants among professionals, which have the potential to contribute to cancer prevention. Potassium also supports high energy and, according to doctors, can even help aid hypertension. Potassium also contributes to healthy heart function and the prevention of future heart issues. Iron is essential in maintaining a high energy level and a lack of iron can result in several dangerous health conditions (such as anemia). Mangoes and mango juice are overflowing with many vitamins and therefore have the ability to prevent you from obtaining a cold or infection and the potential to ward off certain types of cancers.

Even More Health Benefits Connected to Mangoes and Mango Juice

A recent study conducted by the Medical Daily Reporter showed that mangoes have “digestive enzymes” that can assist in proper digestion and soothe an upset stomach and therefore associated stomach aches and pains. Mangoes are also full of fiber. Adequate amounts of fiber ingested guides the body down the path of healthy digestion and normal bowel movements(relief from stubborn constipation or diarrhea). This website shows that mangoes have the power to help with memory and to refresh and rejuvenate skin. This means that mangoes and mango juice can deeply cleanse your pores and possibly lead to radiant, acne free skin.

Mangoes also provide sufficient amounts of folic acid, an imperative item in maintaining a healthy pregnancy free of complications. Mangoes are also noted for promoting healthy blood flow. Mangoes and mango juice even have the ability to decrease heavy, uncomfortable blood flow for women during menstruation. Another great advantage of mangoes is their low caloric content. You can get feel fully content after eating a healthy meal or snack, including mangoes, while still sticking to a low calorie diet.

Health benefits of mango juice

Eating a Mango or Drinking Mango Juice After Exercising

It’s common knowledge that during a work-out, calories are burnt, energy is utilized and therefore nutrients are lost. Research has shown that mangoes are the perfect food for replenishing the body after a work out and regaining lost vitamins and nutrients. Some claim that mangoes and mango juice can eliminate body odor after a strenuous, sweaty workout.

Clearly, the advantages that go along with consuming mangoes or natural mango juice are undeniable. Mangoes and mango juice are tasty, sweet and quite healthy. They both provide remarkably nutritious benefits externally and internally. Maintaining or switching to a healthy lifestyle is totally feasible if you start with a simple step like eating a mango or drinking a glass of mango juice. Ultimately, with the copious amounts of health advantages attached, there’s no reason not to at least try making mangoes or natural mango juice an active part of your diet.

09 Feb

Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice – Anti Inflammatory, Antibacterial, Anti-fungal Properties And More

The mangosteen fruit is of Asian origin. In spite of a similar name, it is unrelated to the mango. It is a small purple tropical fruit with a thick rind (sometimes called the pericarp). It has long been used by traditional Eastern medecine for its many health benefits, especially in Thailand. It is extremely high in xanthones, a powerful class of antioxidants. It contains more than twenty different xanthones. The health benefits of this delicious fruit can be had conveniently by drinking the juice. Below is a list of some of the known health benefits of the mangosteen fruit and its juice.

It Helps Prevent Cancer

Like any food high in antioxidants, it helps protect the body against free radicals and thereby helps reduce the risk of developing cancer. Nutrient dense foods rich in natural fiber are also highly recommended as cancer fighting foods. This fruit certainly qualifies.

Mangosteen Juice Works As An Anti-Inflammatory

This property is known to help relieve the symptoms of inflammatory conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It does so without the harsh side effects typical of prescription anti-inflammatory drugs. Taking prescription drugs often leads to other problems which then get treated with additional prescription drugs. And round and round we go. If you can find a natural, nutrition based remedy for your symptoms, you can avoid or at least reduce this vicious cycle.


Antiviral Properties

It can help protect against or even kill viral infections, such as the flu or common cold. This is a type of infection for which modern Western medecine has very few effective treatments and tends to view as largely untreatable.

Antibacterial Properties Of Mangosteen Juice

It helps protect against and even kill bacterial infections, which is the type of infection for which harsh antibiotics are typically prescribed. Unlike prescription antibiotics, this fruit dies not destroy your gut ecology or cause diarrhea. In fact, it helps treat diarrhea and helps support good gut health.

Antifungal Properties

Another health benefit of mangosteen juice is is the fact that it helps protect against and even kill fungal infections, a class of infection that is notoriously hard to effectively treat. Most conventional Western treatments for fungal infections are very toxic and may still not get a fungal infection adequately under control.

Mangosteen Juice Lower Levels Of LDL Cholesterol

Mangosteen juice helps prevent the build up of plaque in the blood vessels, thus slowing the progression of atherosclerosis.

Helps protect against heart disease

It does this in part by helping to prevent atherosclerosis. But it also is more generally beneficial to heart health. Since heart disease can be very deadly, it is extremely important to be proactive and try to avoid developing it.

It helps promote healthy weight loss

Although many people would like to shed a few pounds, it is not worth destroying your baseline health in the process. The safe, sane way to try to achieve an optimal healthy weight is by consuming extremely nutrient dense “super foods”. With the rich abundance of xanthones found in mangosteen, this fruit can certainly be called a “super food”.

It helps reduce fever

This is a quality it shares with some other exotic fruits. One reason fruits help reduce fever is because they are typically a more effective means to combat dehydration than plain water. Simply staying adequately hydrated can help reduce a fever by a full degree, which is sometimes enough by itself to break a fever. However it likely also helps reduce fever because ut helps combat a number of infections. In most cases, fever is the body’s attempt to kill infection. If you find another means to effectively kill infection, that can break a fever.

Mangosteen Juice  Helps Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Ironically, some of the same foods which help protect against diabetes (high blood sugar) also help protect against hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). They do this by helping to stabilize the blood sugar. Foods rich in certain forms of natural fiber share this property and mangosteen is one of them.

These were the most well known and common health benefits if mangosteen juice.

07 Feb

Health Benefits of Mulberry Juice

The health benefits of mulberries are numerous; mulberries have been used since ancient times as a way of curing a number of ailments, though the nutritional and health benefits of mulberries – and subsequently, mulberry juice – were widely unknown until much more recently. In the past, mulberries were used to help treat people that suffered from the cold and other health problems, including digestion issues. Today, mulberries are used to create juices that are healthful and beneficial to everyone that drinks them for more than simply curing the common cold and digestive problems.


Mulberry Juice Treats Anemia

Anemia is used to describe a low level of iron in a person’s body. Those with anemia often find that they are dizzy and experience heart palpitations and that they exhibit an unattractive pallor. Mulberry juice can help fight the symptoms of anemia because it is rich with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The juice in mulberries promotes the production of the correct body fluids, which includes iron. Consuming mulberries and/or mulberry juice regularly will help your body produce the correct amount of iron, which will reduce your anemic symptoms.
Mulberries have the highest choline content


Mulberry juice is one of the leading ways to cure insomnia. The fact that it helps the body produce all of the correct chemicals and body fluids means that your body needn’t work overtime to produce these fluids and sleep comes easier. Your body needs adequate levels of a number of chemicals in order to allow you to sleep well. If you suffer from insomnia and want to try mulberry juice as a cure for your inability to sleep you should; eating mulberries or drinking mulberry juice on a regular basis will have you noticing an improvement in your sleep patterns before too long.

Stomach Issues and the Benefits of Mulberry Juice

Because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, mulberry juice is helpful in treating and correcting a number of issues that people experience with their stomachs and digestive tracts. First and foremost, mulberry juice prevents constipation, which plagues so many people. It also enhances the appetite, which encourages people to eat a healthier and better diet, not allowing them to skip a meal which is horrible for the health. Mulberry juice is also a good way to improve digestion, which means far less issues with your stomach. In some cases, it has been known to cure hepatitis and gastritis, both of which are diseases that are difficult for sufferers.

Anti-Aging Abilities

Anthocyanins and resveratrol are active constituents that are found in mulberries. The constituent resveratrol is widely known as “the fountain of youth” because it has numerous anti-aging benefits. In addition, it also contains anti-cancer agents and body cleansing agents. Mulberry juice is thought by experts to have the ability to prolong the onset of wrinkles in the skin and the appearance of grey hair. The other active constituent found in mulberry juice, anthocyanins, contains a vast array of antioxidants that have health benefits of their own. For example, some of the antioxidants found in mulberry juice have the ability to cure a number of ailments, which is the reason why in ancient times they were used to treat colds and digestive issues. The antioxidants found in mulberries have an absorbency rate that takes much longer than the rate of juice from other fruits, which is why it is so effective with its anti-aging abilities. Mulberry juice works to fight aging whether the signs of aging have already started or not.If you already have wrinkles and are noticing grey hairs starting to show you can start drinking mulberry juice immediately to slow the process. If you are still young and think you have years before the signs of aging start to affect you, start drinking mulberry juice now. That way you will have even more years to enjoy your youthful appearance before age begins to show.

03 Feb

What Are Antioxidants?

Most people have heard of antioxidants and their relationship to free radicals but what exactly is it all about? Where do antioxidants come from? How do they benefit us? And can there be such a thing as too many antioxidants?

What are antioxidants?

An antioxidant, as its name implies, is a molecule that counteracts the process of oxidation in animal tissue. Antioxidants can either be nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, or enzymes, proteins occurring naturally in the body to aid with chemical processes.

How are they formed?

Some antioxidants occur naturally within the body, whilst others need to be ingested. Those that occur naturally include lipoic acid, and CoQ10. However, levels of these declines as we age, so supplements are often needed.

The most common antioxidants are Vitamins A, C and E. As our bodies cannot manufacture these vitamins themselves, they have to be acquired through diet and/or supplements.

How and why do they affect our bodies?

Our bodies are remarkable in that millions of processes are occurring at any one time. In order for these processes to happen, the body needs oxygen as a power source. Unfortunately, these processes cause a powerful and destructive side effect in the form of oxidants, which are better known as free radicals. Antioxidants protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are formed as a by-product of our body’s natural metabolism. They are also a result of environmental factors such as sun exposure, smoking, pollution, and radiation. The same process of oxidation that causes rust, breaking down and weakening metal, occurs in our bodies, producing free radicals.

Antioxidant - Vitamin C

How do antioxidants fight free radicals?

Free radicals are thought to be the cause of degradation within our bodies, leading to premature ageing, heart disease, and cancer. Because free radicals are so unstable, they attack molecules in our body, causing a chain reaction which makes that molecule become a free radical also, leading to the eventual death of a cell.

Antioxidants work by attaching themselves to free radicals without becoming a free radical themselves, and so breaking the chain reaction. Antioxidants instead neutralize the free radical by either donating or receiving an electron. Once complete, the process stop cellular damage before it starts.

However, as soon as an antioxidant neutralizes a free radical, it becomes inactive itself. Because of this, it’s important to maintain a good supply of antioxidants.

Different antioxidants

There are several types of antioxidants, all of which hold a unique function:

• Vitamin A and beta-carotene – these water soluble vitamins are thought to be the best neutralizer of an uncharged form of oxygen that is very toxic to cells.

• Vitamin C is another water soluble vitamin that works alongside vitamin E to hunt and neutralize free radicals within the more watery environments in the body, and especially within cells themselves.

• Vitamin E – unlike vitamins A and C, vitamin E is fat soluble, which means it can only dissolve in fat. Because of this, Vitamin E protects cell membranes from damage by free radicals. It is also of particular benefit to cholesterol levels by protecting oxidation from occurring within LDLs, or ‘bad’ cholesterol.

• Selenium, manganese and zinc. These minerals are trace elements our bodies need to survive, and are our primary line of defense when it comes to destroying free radicals.

• CoEnzyme Q10, uric acid, and phytochemicals. These are extra nutrients that have antioxidant properties, protecting the body from free radicals.

So what are the most common sources of antioxidants?

OrangesAntioxidants are found in abundance in fruit and vegetables, as well as grains and beans. Fruit and vegetables in particular, are so recognized in the fight against free radicals, that health and food departments globally now recommend that people eat five portions of fruit and vegetables everyday as part of the fight against cancer.


As mentioned before, our bodies cannot manufacture most forms of antioxidants, and even those we can make ourselves are reduced as we age. Therefore, it’s important to know how to increase our intake of these compounds and thus reduce the risk of free radical damage as much as possible.

Vitamin A is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, kale, peaches and apricots.

Vitamin C is particularly abundant in citrus fruits including oranges, lemons, lime and grapefruit. It is also found in high quantities in green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin E can be found mostly in whole grain, nuts and seeds.

Selenium is found in large quantities in fish, grains, eggs and red meat.

Phytochemicals are found in purple grapes and red wine, and are also in large amounts in tea.


Is it possible to have too many antioxidants?

As with most things, it is possible to have too much antioxidants – too much of a good thing. Studies have shown that problems can arise if one nutrient is excessively high, for example, excess levels of beta-carotene can turn the skin orange.

31 Jan

Which Fruit Contains The Most Lutein-zeaxanthin?

What Is Lutein-zeaxanthin?

Lutein-zeaxanthin is a combination of nutrients that are associated with supporting eye health and immune system function. They are antioxidants, which are known for fighting against free radicals and other disease processes within the body, including cancer. Supporting good health by eating foods that are rich in antioxidants becomes especially important as people age. They are part of the carotenoid family.

Supporting Eye Health With Lutein-zeaxanthin

Cataracts and macular degeneration are two issues that can create vision problems, but healthy levels of lutein-zeaxanthin support eye health in order to help prevent those conditions from occurring.

These nutrients are also imperative for maintaining a healthy immune system. Foods that are rich in lutein-zeaxanthin include kale, broccoli and spinach. Other foods such as romaine lettuce, peas and zucchini have high levels of the supplement as well. Generally it is better to obtain these foods when they are fresh and eat them raw or minimally cooked in order to get the best benefits, as cooking the vegetables can reduce the amount of healthy nutrients in them.

Absorption by the body is also a key factor and egg yolks have been shown to promote good absorption of lutein. A certain amount of fat within a diet is known to help the body to process other vitamins and minerals as well. Not having enough carotenoids in the body such as lutein-zeaxanthin can lead to a risk of developing a number of different degenerative conditions or diseases that can have adverse effects on vision.

This might be due to the nutrients ability to support the eyes by fighting against the effects of ultraviolet rays, which are known to contribute to vision problems.


Top Fruits For Lutein-zeaxanthin Content

The amounts of Lutein-zeaxanthin are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Pumpkin 1.500,00 mcg
2 Carrot 256,00 mcg
3 Kiwi 171,00 mcg
4 Jackfruit 157,00 mcg
5 Tangerine 138,00 mcg
6 Mulberry 136,00 mcg
7 Raspberry 136,00 mcg
8 Orange 129,00 mcg
9 Tomato 123,00 mcg
10 Blackberry 118,00 mcg
11 Peach 91,00 mcg
12 Cranberry 91,00 mcg
13 Apricot 89,00 mcg
14 Cherry (sweet) 85,00 mcg
15 Blueberry 80,00 mcg
16 Papaya 75,00 mcg
17 Plum 73,00 mcg
18 Grape 72,00 mcg
19 Pear 45,00 mcg
20 Apple 29,00 mcg
21 Strawberry 26,00 mcg
22 Melon (Cantaloupe) 26,00 mcg
23 Cucumber 23,90 mcg
24 Banana 22,00 mcg
25 Lemon 11,00 mcg
26 Lime 9,00 mcg
27 Fig 9,00 mcg
28 Watermelon 8,00 mcg

30 Jan

Which Fruit Contains The Most Water?

What is Water

Water is a chemcial substance that is vital for the existance of every form of life. The chemical compostion of water is one oxygen atom and two atoms of hydrogen per molecule. The surface of the earth is 70% water. We must have fresh, safe drinking water to survive and 70% of the fresh water we have is used for agriculture.

Water in Our Body – Why Is It Important?

Two-thirds of the human body is made up of water. Some of the more vital organs in the body contain even more – 95% in the brain, 82% in the blood, and 90% in the lungs. Even with as little as a 2% drop of water in the body, dehydration can begin. Here are just a few of the things water does for our bodies.

  • It acts a lubricant
  • It makes up the fluids for the joints
  • It controls our body temperature
  • It is the foundation of saliva
  • It helps to move food through the intestines to help our bodies eliminate waste.
  • It helps regulating the metabolism
  • It helps prevent disease.

The water in our bodies is not replenished on its own so it is necessary to drink plenty of water to keep up a good balance. The common recommendation is eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, spread out throughout the day. When thirsty, you should drink twice as much water as it takes to quench that thirst. Without enough water, dehydration can set in which can make mental processes harder, decrease energy, and increase body stress.

It is possible to drink too much water, which results in a condition called water intoxication. While not common, it can happen occasionally. When there is too much water in the body, the result can be low electrolytes that can cause an irregular heartbeat and swelling in the brain, which can result seizures and coma. But it is unlikely to get water intoxication even if you drink an excess amount of water as long as the water is consumed over a long period of time.


Top Fruits For Water Content

The amounts of Water are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Cucumber 95,20 g
2 Tomato 94,80 g
3 Blackcurrant 91,80 g
4 Pumpkin 91,60 g
5 Watermelon 91,50 g
6 Strawberry 90,90 g
7 Carrot 90,40 g
8 Melon (Cantaloupe) 90,20 g
9 Lemon 89,00 g
10 Peach 88,90 g
11 Papaya 88,80 g
12 Pear 88,30 g
13 Lime 88,30 g
14 Grapefruit 88,10 g
15 Blackberry 88,10 g
16 Gooseberry 87,90 g
17 Mulberry 87,70 g
18 Plum 87,20 g
19 Cranberry 87,10 g
20 Orange 86,70 g
21 Apricot 86,40 g
22 Pineapple 86,00 g
23 Raspberry 85,70 g
24 Apple 85,60 g
25 Passion Fruit 85,60 g
26 Tangerine 85,20 g
27 Blueberry 84,20 g
28 Redcurrant 83,90 g
29 Kiwi 83,10 g
30 Cherry (sweet) 82,20 g
31 Lychee 81,80 g
32 Mango 81,70 g
33 Grape 81,30 g
34 Mangosteen 80,90 g
35 Guava 80,80 g
36 Elderberry 79,80 g
37 Fig 79,10 g
38 Pomegranate 77,90 g
39 Banana 74,90 g
40 Durian 65,00 g
41 Jackfruit 20,50 g

29 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)?

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Pyridoxine is the most common of the seven forms of vitamin B6. In supplement form, the vitamin is water-soluble and can be found in many foods we eat. It is a member of the key family of vitamins, B-complex. The many benefits of these key vitamins affect crucial body systems.

The Role Of Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) In Our Body

Together with B12, B6 creates red blood cells and other cells necessary in the immune system.

While vitamin B6 deficiency is rare, when it does occur symptoms include muscle weakness, nervousness and irritability. Severe deficiencies can result in short term memory loss and inability to concentrate on simple tasks.

B complex vitamins all work to help our bodies metabolize fat and protein. B6 is also highly involved in aiding nervous system function and contribute greatly to healthy hair, skin and eyes.

Since water-soluble vitamins aren’t stored in the body, daily intake is important to keep enough B6 in the system for good health. Of particular interest is a recent study that suggests people with heart disease do not get enough B6 in their diet. While the direct correlation is still unknown, doctors suggest making sure to get enough B6 for heart health. A large study has shown that 500mg of B6 with 1000mg of B12 taken daily significantly reduces the risk of age related macular degeneration, a condition that leads to blindness.

B6 also helps the body produce serotonin, an important key in depression prevention. Another amazing function of B6 is the ability to reduce inflammation. This ability benefits many sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and carpel tunnel syndrome.

There can be too much of a good thing. At very high dosages of B6, side effects can include skin rash, nausea, abdominal pain, imbalance and numbness of legs and toes. The good news is that by ceasing excessive use, typically all side effects will fade within 6 months time.


Top Fruits For Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) Content

The amounts of Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Banana 0,37 mg
2 Jackfruit 0,33 mg
3 Durian 0,32 mg
4 Blackberry 0,30 mg
5 Carrot 0,14 mg
6 Mango 0,13 mg
7 Fig 0,11 mg
8 Pineapple 0,11 mg
9 Guava 0,11 mg
10 Kiwi 0,10 mg
11 Lychee 0,10 mg
12 Passion Fruit 0,10 mg
13 Cranberry 0,10 mg
14 Grape 0,09 mg
15 Lemon 0,08 mg
16 Tomato 0,08 mg
17 Tangerine 0,08 mg
18 Pomegranate 0,08 mg
19 Melon (Cantaloupe) 0,07 mg
20 Redcurrant 0,07 mg
21 Blackcurrant 0,07 mg
22 Pumpkin 0,06 mg
23 Orange 0,06 mg
24 Raspberry 0,06 mg
25 Apricot 0,05 mg
26 Grapefruit 0,05 mg
27 Blueberry 0,05 mg
28 Mulberry 0,05 mg
29 Cherry (sweet) 0,05 mg
30 Watermelon 0,05 mg
31 Apple 0,04 mg
32 Mangosteen 0,04 mg
33 Cucumber 0,04 mg
34 Plum 0,03 mg
35 Pear 0,03 mg
36 Peach 0,03 mg
37 Papaya 0,02 mg

27 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Folate (Vitamin B)?

What Is Folate?

Folate is a B vitamin that easily dissolves in water. It occurs mostly in foods such as leafy greens and grains, and it can also be converted into a supplement known as folic acid. The name folate derives from the Latin word “folium”, which means leaf. Adults and children require folate in their bodies to improve cellular health. This specific B vitamin also reportedly benefits cardiovascular health and mental well-being, to name a few.

Folate In Our Body

Growth and cell division are among the most vital functions necessary for healthy children and adults, with special attention paid to pregnant and nursing women. Folate lays the foundation to produce the building blocks of cells known as DNA and RNA. The vitamin helps to generate new, healthy cells within the body and make healthy red blood cells that block the onset of anemia, which is a condition that causes blood loss and fatigue. In addition to building DNA and RNA, folate also helps defend against any abnormalities that may cause cancer. It also works with homocysteine levels in the body by metabolizing the amino acid and therefore preventing cardiovascular problems such as hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, heart attacks and blood clots.

Folate gets absorbed into the body through the consumption of foods like spinach, broccoli and romaine lettuce. Grains like rice and cereals also carry significant amounts of folate, as well as citrus fruits like oranges.

Folic acid supplements are often reserved for pregnant women or those with folate deficiencies. Experts recommend a daily intake of 400 micrograms for adults; 150 to 300 micrograms for children up to age 13; 600 micrograms for pregnant women and 500 micrograms for breastfeeding women.

Side effects have also been reported, particularly in patients who take other medications or supplements. For example, folate may cause a blood pressure or blood sugar drop. Therefore, adjustments may be made to the patient’s medication schedule. Symptoms such as bloating, cramps and nausea may also occur from taking too much folate.


Top Fruits For Folate Content

The amounts of Folate are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Guava 49,00 mcg
2 Papaya 38,00 mcg
3 Pomegranate 38,00 mcg
4 Durian 36,00 mcg
5 Mangosteen 31,00 mcg
6 Orange 30,00 mcg
7 Carrot 27,00 mcg
8 Kiwi 25,00 mcg
9 Blackberry 25,00 mcg
10 Strawberry 24,00 mcg
11 Melon (Cantaloupe) 21,00 mcg
12 Raspberry 21,00 mcg
13 Banana 20,00 mcg
14 Pineapple 18,00 mcg
15 Pumpkin 16,00 mcg
16 Tangerine 16,00 mcg
17 Tomato 15,00 mcg
18 Lychee 14,00 mcg
19 Jackfruit 14,00 mcg
20 Mango 14,00 mcg
21 Grapefruit 13,00 mcg
22 Lemon 11,00 mcg
23 Apricot 9,00 mcg
24 Redcurrant 8,00 mcg
25 Lime 8,00 mcg
26 Passion Fruit 7,00 mcg
27 Cucumber 7,00 mcg
28 Blueberry 6,00 mcg
29 Mulberry 6,00 mcg
30 Elderberry 6,00 mcg
31 Gooseberry 6,00 mcg
32 Fig 6,00 mcg
33 Plum 5,00 mcg
34 Cherry (sweet) 4,00 mcg
35 Peach 4,00 mcg
36 Grape 4,00 mcg
37 Watermelon 3,00 mcg
38 Apple 3,00 mcg
39 Cranberry 1,00 mcg