14 Mar

Grape Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Drinking too much grape juice can cause mild side effects mostly pertaining to bowel movements. For example, some grape juice side effects include an upset stomach, indigestion and diarrhea.

Other possible but rare side effects of drinking too much grape juice are nausea and vomiting. More serious grape juice side effects could include infections and muscular problems. Other side effects experienced from drinking too much grape juice include dry mouth, coughing, sore throat and headaches. For those who are allergic to grapes, drinking grape juice will – obviously – cause an allergic reaction.

Finally, drinking large amounts of grape juice could result in an iron-deficiency and lead to anemia.

Grape juice side effects

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10 thoughts on “Grape Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

    • Christine, in my opinion you should not consistently drink more than one or two eight ounces servings of juice per day. Especially over a longer period of time, and don’t drink only one sort of juice. Variety is the key.

      • I had about 1 cup of the juice yesterday and watered it down. It did not sit well with my stomach at all. It gave me an upset stomach. I’m not sick but I heard it has anti-viral properties. Maybe it is flushing everything out. Wouldn’t hurt to try if or when I get sick next. Hopefully I never will again the rest of my life but probably wishful thinking. Ha

  1. even if i just have one glass then i feel like i have a lump or something at the back of my throat, i havent drunk grape juice for more than 3 years now

  2. Is the sugar in grapes a major concern for diabetics? I love grape juice, but I worry that even a small amount will raise my blood sugar.

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