09 Apr

Best Guavas For Guava Juice And How To Choose Them

Guavas have been popular with juicers for a long time, and many Mexican beverages use guava juice as a base. The entire fruit can be used, so there’s no need to prepare the fruit before running it through your juicer. The skin does have a different taste from the flesh, however, so you may wish to experiment with each when you begin juicing.

What are the Best Guavas for Juicing?

Guava is a tropical fruit native to Mexico and South America; they’ve also very popular in Hawaii. There are three main types of guava tree: pineapple guava, strawberry guava and apple guava. The apple guava is the most commonly found in grocery stores and has the best flavor and texture for juicing.

Many areas will only have one variety of guava available. In areas where guava are easily grown, however, multiple types of fruits have been developed, each with a unique flavor and texture. Some of the best guavas for juicing are the Beaumont, China White and Mexican cream. All guavas make great juice, however, so don’t be discouraged by the lack of variety at the market.

best guavas for juicing

How to Choose a Guava at Market

Guavas are available for much of the year, especially in the late spring, summer, and early fall. The best variety of guava is usually available at a Mexican market, although most regular supermarkets do sell them as well. The fruits vary from pear to oval shaped and will have a firm but pliable feeling when squeezed.

Overripe guava will be very soft to the touch and will have a less pleasant flavor, while hard underripe guava will not be as good for juicing. A ripe guava will smell pungent and sweet. The skin can have a few spots, but it should not have any sign of mold or deep bruising. Guava will last up to two weeks in the refrigerator or a week at room temperature.

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