26 Feb

Guava Juice Side Effects:Can You Drink Too Much of It?

With all of the health benefits of guava juice, one might wonder whether there are any significant negative guava juice side effects. Is there such a thing as too much guava juice?

Evidence suggests that dangerous guava juice side effects will occur only in two special cases. These are relevant to individuals taking heart medications and those who are monitor their blood sugar, such as people who are diabetic.

Side Effects for People with Heart Problems

Some studies have shown that drinking guava juice in large quantities could result in negative side effects for individuals who are taking heart medications. This seems to occur due to guava’s potential to slow one’s heart rate. For this reason, people with heart conditions should consult their physicians before consuming guava juice.

guava juice side effects

Effects on Individuals with Blood Sugar Issues

Guava juice side effects can include the lowering of blood sugar in the bloodstream. This could result in a medical complication for people who are hypoglycemic or have other issues related to blood sugar levels. These individuals should consult their doctors about the advisability of drinking guava juice.

Safety of Guava Juice for People Without Medical Conditions

Studies have reported no particular ill effects of consuming guava juice by individuals who do not have a heart condition or blood sugar condition such as diabetes. As with all juices, there is the potential for gastrointestinal effects when consuming large quantities. However, no negative effects should be expected when consuming guava juice in moderation.

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