30 Apr

Best Pears For Pear Juice And How To Choose Them

Pears are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but most people aren’t aware that they are also a diuretic, which can be beneficial to those with digestive problems. Pears also contain pectin, which reduces levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. For those who own a juicer, fresh pear juice is an excellent way to enjoy newly harvested pears, and it can also be frozen for later use.

How to Choose Pears for Juicing

The best pears for juicing will be those that are fully ripe. Pears that haven’t yet ripened won’t yield much juice at all. If you’re going to be making juice from fruit from the grocery store, select pears that are soft but not squishy. If you’re fortunate enough to have a home orchard that includes a pear tree, pick the pears for juicing while they are still slightly immature. To ripen them quickly, place them in a paper bag with an apple or a ripe banana. These fruits give off a substance called ethylene that aids in the ripening process of fruits and vegetables.

Most people consider bartlett pears or bosc pears varieties to be the best pears for juicing. Asian types don’t seem to taste as well.

best pears for juicing

Making Fresh Juice From Your Pears

It isn’t at all difficult to make pear juice using a juicer. Wash the pears thoroughly and cut into small pieces, leaving out the stems and seeds. Put the pieces through the juicer, discard the pulp, and strain the juice through cheesecloth if you want it to be a bit thinner. Many people include a bit of apple juice when making pear juice to give it a slightly sweeter and full-bodied flavor.

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