02 Dec

Blueberry Juice Health Benefits: Blueberrries Have Earned The Right To Be Called A ‘Super Food’

The term “super food” gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes to the blueberries and blueberry juice health benefits, the term is well-deserved and no exaggeration. Blueberries are a veritable miracle of nature. The taste of blueberry is one of life’s greatest pleasures. As a beverage, blueberry juice is sublime – all this, and the health benefits it supplies are enormous.


First, blueberry juice is a powerhouse source of antioxidants. As you may know, antioxidants are composed of a variety of compounds, including vitamins, bio-flavonoids, enzymes, and peroxidases. What these substances do is “scrub” something called “free radicals” from the human body. Free radicals attach themselves to healthy cells in your body and essentially deteriorate them leading to a host of negative effects, including making you age faster and rendering you less able to fight off diseases, from colds to cancer.

Blueberry juice health benefits

So when you drink blueberry juice, you charge your body with free radical eliminating agents that get rid of as many of them as possible, thus helping you stave off aging and fend off disease. That almost sounds like a claim too good to be true for a fruit juice, but solid science backs it up.

Yes, many foods contain antioxidants, among the most common of which are Vitamin C, A, and E. But blueberry juice is not only exceptionally high in these essential antioxidant vitamins; it also delivers them to your body without also loading unwanted junk into your body, like fat or refined sugars. Blueberry juice is so naturally sweet that adding artificial sugar is absolutely unnecessary, even for a person with the most demanding sweet tooth!


Blueberry juice is also high in tannic acid, or tannins, which is well known to be an anti-inflammatory agent. The tannins in blueberry juice can ease intestinal inflammation, and also inflammation of the joints, or even the skin.

Let’s talk about one of the most dreaded diseases – cancer. Anyone can get cancer, and so it only makes sense to get as much of those healthy foods which do the most to give you the greatest chance of fending off the start of cancer. Blueberry juice does that, and in a variety of ways. One of the rich level of antioxidants in blueberry juice, which we have already talked about. But blueberry juice also contains ellagic acid. This natural form of acid is known to “switch off” certain metabolic processes that can lead to cancer in the stomach.

Blueberries juice also prevents cancer of the stomach and colon because it contains pectin, which is a soluble form of fiber. Pectin helps break down “bad” cholesterol, both reducing your cholesterol level, but also preventing bile buildup, which is known to lead to some forms of cancer.


Amazingly, blueberry juice offers some protection for the agonizing condition of macular degeneration of the eyes – something for which there is no cure, and which causes blindness. A rigorous, 18-years study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology which followed 100,000 people found that those who drink high amounts of fruit juices, especially antioxidant rich juices like blueberry juice, have far less chance of developing macular generation as they grow older.

Blueberries and their health benefits


Another one of the blueberry juice health benefits is memory improvement. Blueberries have been shown to not only increase brain function, but specifically memory. This is creating excitement among the scientific community because it suggests high-blueberry/juice diets can play a role in preventing or staving off Alzheimer’s disease. The study which provided these results was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.


Now let’s talk about a rather tongue-twisting compound in blueberry juice called pterostilbene. This is a substance closely related to resveratrol. The latter is produced in plants naturally when they are attacked by harmful fungi and bacteria, enabling the plant to fight off these attacking agents.

As it turns out, pterostilbene and resveratrol can deliver similar benefits to human being when they ingest them via plant products. Only blueberries and grapes contain pterostilbene. The end result is that, by taking in these substances via blueberry juice, you arm yourself with a powerful way to fight of a host of diseases caused by all kinds of substances, from molds and fungi, to bacteria and viruses.

When talking about the health benefits of blueberry juice, it’s almost difficult not to sound like a snake-oil salesman making outlandish claims, as if it were some kind of magical potion. But in the case of blueberry juice – it’s all true!

30 Nov

Health Benefits of Cherry Juice: The Top 4 Benefits You’ll Receive By Drinking Cherry Juice

Are the health benefits of cherry juice as strong as of some other juices that you can get on the marker? I am sure you’ve heard of the numerous benefits of drinking “magical” juices that are all the rage nowadays.  Many companies start up every month trying to create the latest and greatest juice gimmick taking hard earned cash from their potential customers.  It seems as if everyone is discovering a new fruit in the jungles of South America that may hold the key to everlasting life.

In reality, you don’t have to spend $40 on a bottle of juice to get the benefits.  You can start with the regular juices you can find at your local grocery story.  Today we’re going to talk about one of the most common juices to drink and why it’s beneficial.  Cherry juice is a great juice to start with.  It’s full of nutrients that provide all sorts of benefits to your body.  Let’s go ahead and take a look at some of those and you’ll be able to see why you want to add this to your daily diet.  You’ll quickly realize the health benefits of cherry juice and why everyone that cares about their healthy and body should be drinking at least 1 glass per day.

Health Benefits Of Cherry Juice

1. Cherry Juice Contains Perillyl Alcohol, Limonene and Ellagic Acid

Cherry juice is loaded with 3 disease fighting substances which are perillyl alcohol, limonene and ellagic acid.  Each of these are powerful in fighting cancer, especially when it comes to breast or lung cancer.  They help stop cell transformation which is one of the quickest ways that cancer will develop and spread through the body.

2. Antioxidants Are One Of The Main Health Benefits of Cherry Juice

The next benefit is the vast amount of antioxidants that are found in the juice.  It has been said that there are a grand total of 17 powerful antioxidants found.  One of the main benefits of these antioxidants is that they can help ward off disease and they’re also proven to help the body not age as fast.  Out of all of the fruits and vegetables researches currently shows that drinking cherry juice has the highest antioxidant level out of any of them.

3. Inflammation – Cherry Juice For Arthritis

Another key benefit is that cherry juice is up to 10 times more beneficial than commercial drugs like aspirin in preventing inflammation and reducing pain from arthritis.  By reducing inflammation of your joints you’ll likely have healthier knees, ankles, wrists, and other body parts that are likely to really suffer from arthritis like effects.

One Simple Cherry Has Many Health Benefits

4. Fighting Free Radicals

Have you ever heard of the term free radicals?  Most likely you haven’t so let me explain exactly what it is.  Free radicals are atoms or molecules that have a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. Most common source of free radicals in our body is simply oxidation – breathing. But this can be greatly influenced also by the air around us – a good example would be pollution from a car or a factory.  These free radicals in your body cause it to slowly decay over time.  Luckily cherry juice has a powerful effect on fighting these dangerous chemicals.

Your cells become weaker from all of these radicals entering your body.  The only way you can safely get rid of them is by supplying your body the antioxidants it needs to do so.

Drinking Cherry Juice

Please understand that cherry juice is a very powerful, natural supplement that will greatly improve your health and help you to fight off unwanted diseases or problems that you may have without drinking fruit juice.  However, it’s not a cure all and you should never think that drinking a gallon of cherry juice each day is going to cure any of your ailments you may already have.

The biggest benefit is to start drinking it right away so you can try and prevent any future harm that may come upon your body from not having the proper antioxidants in it to stave off disease and other complications.  While pure cherry juice might be expensive if you’re going to drink a glass or two every day, the health benefits of cherry juice that you receive will be greater than any future costs of suffering or expensive medical costs that you may experience later in life.

After reading this article you can clearly see the health benefits of cherry juice and why it’s so important to add it to your daily diet.  You no longer have to worry about shelling out $20+ for an unknown juice that supposedly contains the fountain of youth.  You can drink a juice for a lot less than has plenty of research over time to back up the health benefits of it.

29 Nov

Health Benefits Of Apricot Juice

Apricot juice is one of the most delicious fruit juices and the health benefits of apricot juice are numerous. Because apricot pulp is very thick when the fruit is juiced many apricot juices have other fruit juices added to make them more liquid and are then marketed as apricot juice blends. So be careful if you are looking for pure 100% apricot juice.

Beneficial Nutrients found in Apricot Juice

  • Apricots are extremely rich in carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin (anti-oxidants). These are found mostly in the skin of the apricot, so never throw the skin away. Juice the skin with the pulp of the apricot.
  • Vitamins A, Riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and C
  • Mineral content in apricots includes: Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and traces of cobalt, bromide, sodium and sulfur.
  • Fiber and pectin.
  • Natural sugars.
Health benefits of apricot juice

Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

1. Free radicals are responsible for the plaque-like deposits of cholesterol in the arteries, making them rigid and narrow. Artherosclerosis and heart attacks are the eventual result of these build-ups. Beta-carotene in apricot juice is a powerful antioxidant that helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL or low density lipoprotein) levels in the blood. Antioxidants get rid of the free radicals in the body. They help keep arteries clean.

2. The vitamin C content of apricots is also an excellent antioxidant and works together with beta-carotenes. It protects the good cholesterol HDL (high density lipoproteins). Vitamin C has another important attribute in fighting or preventing heart disease. It enhances the elasticity of artery walls. Elasticity of artery walls helps prevent high blood pressure associated with artherosclerosis (hardening of the artery walls). The heart does not have to pump so hard in order to circulate the blood.

Eye Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

The lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in apricots help to prevent eye diseases. The retinal nerve endings that send messages of vision to the brain are protected from both UV light and free radicals by carotenoids. Eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and degeneration are significantly reduced. Vitamin A in apricot juice also aids eye and vision health.

Health Benefits of Apricot Juice During Pregnancy

Apricot juice, because of the iron, vitamin and antioxidant content, is excellent in preventing anemia, enhancing health, and preventing sickness during pregnancy. It is also excellent for settling nausea and indigestion. Pregnant women need extra calcium and minerals. Apricot juice provides these.

Apricot juice

Digestive Health Benefits

Apricot juice:

* is excellent for preventing, but also treating constipation. It has gentle laxative qualities. The pectin and fiber content will add necessary bulk and draw moisture to prevent hard stools.
* though acidic to the taste, is alkaline in the digestive system. Drink a glass of apricot juice before eating, it will aid your digestion.
* will help relieve flatulence and colitis.
* alkaline content helps dissolve gall stones

Skin, Hair and Bone Benefits

The vitamin C in apricot juices improves skin elasticity. The minerals are also essential for keeping bones strong, and hair and skin healthy. Antioxidants prevent aging and promote the immune system so improve resistance to disease.

Health Benefits of Magnesium in Apricot Juice

The magnesium content in apricots is approximately ten times higher than in most other fruits. Magnesium has two very beneficial effects.

* It helps to normalize blood pressure.
* Magnesium and phosphorus together enhance brain function. Both are present in apricot juice.

Apricot Juice Helps Prevent Anemia

The iron and copper present in apricots help prevent anemia. Both iron and copper are necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the essential “oxygen and nutrient carriers” in the red blood cells. Apricot juice is as effective in providing iron for blood regeneration as eating liver.

Longevity – a Possible Health Benefit of Apricot Juice

Scientists link regular apricot consumption with longevity and health in general. Nothing has been proved scientifically, but a village in Pakistan where the people eat only apricots (all forms, fresh, dried and juiced), cereals and vegetables, have some of the longest living and healthiest people on earth. Vitamin A is also reputed to slow down aging.

Cancer Prevention

Apricot juice contains lycopene that is known to help prevent cancer. Interestingly enough, lycopene is more easily digested when the apricots are cooked or processed as in juicing.

Drink apricot juice often and enjoy all the health benefits of apricot juice. There is good reason for naming apricot juice “The Nectar of the Gods”. It is not only delicious to taste, but it works wonders in your body.

26 Nov

Health Benefits Of Strawberry Juice: A Natural Anti-Inflammation Agent and Blood Sugar Regulator

Because strawberry juice is made out of simple and worldwide known berries that don’t seem really that special or exotic, people are often surprised that there are so many health benefits of strawberry juice. But it’s established scientific fact now that drinking strawberry juice is among the most high-impact ways to deliver an astonishing amount of healthy nutrients, anti-oxidant agents and vitamins to the human body. Strawberry juice is easy to digest, contains natural fiber, and is even inexpensive to buy. It does all this while tasting great, with little or no need for added sugars or artificial sweetener.

Before we talk more about the health benefits of drinking strawberry juice, let’s consider its source, the strawberry itself.  Among all American foods, strawberries easily landed in the Top 50 in a survey to determine which foods are best for human consumption. In fact, they ranked as “27th best” overall.

Health benefits of strawberry juice

Strawberries: Third Best Fruits You Can Eat

But when considering fruits alone, strawberries ranked third as the best fruits people can eat based on nutrition delivered per amount eaten. Only walnuts and blackberries ranked higher in terms of total amount of vitamins and anti-oxidants they deliver based on eating 3.5 ounces.

A Long List Of Healthy Nutrients And 136% of Vitamin C RDA in One Cup

When you eat a daily serving of strawberry or drink strawberry juice, you are gaining a laundry list of healthy nutrients. These include: Vitamin C, manganese, potassium, folate, iodine, Vitamins B2 and B5, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin K, copper, magnesium and fiber! Strawberries are highest in Vitamin C, with one cup delivering 136% of the recommended daily allowance.

Additionally, strawberries contain dozens of phyto-nutrients too numerous to mention here. Keep in mind that vitamins themselves, such as Vitamin C, are anti-oxidants, but there are many other classifications of anti-oxidant substances, and suffice it to say that strawberries are packed with dozens of them, even to an amazing degree.

Are Health Benefits Of Strawberries Lost In The Juice?

Okay, so when strawberries are processed into strawberry juice, do you still get all the nutritional value you would get if you ate the solid fruit itself? The simple answer is yes, but it depends on what kind of strawberry juice you select, so let’s take a quick look at this issue.

You may have heard of something called “juice concentrate.” What that means is that a fruit has had all of its water removed to make it easier to ship and store. When you buy frozen strawberry concentrate, for example, it is necessary for you to “add water” to make strawberry juice that you can drink. In general, strawberry juice from concentrate will have less nutritional value than pure, fresh strawberry juice. Whenever you process any vegetable in any way – be it drying, freezing, cooking or canning – some of the nutritional value is lost in the process.

However, if you buy strawberry juice listed as “not from concentrate” you are basically getting pure strawberries that have been blended into juice – although some brands may have had some of the pulp removed – and thus you lose nutrition and fiber.

Both concentrate and pure strawberry juice products still pack a lot of nutrition and are extremely healthy drinks; it’s just that some of the nutrition has been removed in the process. Many people choose to make their own strawberry juice using their own blender or food processor, however. In this case, you are getting the very same nutrition as you would if you simply ate strawberries whole.

Eat Them Fresh For The Best Health Impact

It’s also important to note that the strawberry is a relatively fragile fruit in that they do not hold their nutrition well over long periods. In fact, studies show that just two days after picking, strawberries lose significant amounts of vitamins and other anti-oxidants. So whether you are drinking the juice or eating the berry, think “fresh” for maximum nutritional punch.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

We should also mention that strawberries and strawberry juice has been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects on the human body, but only if eaten often and regularly. Strawberries lower the levels of something called C-reactive proteins in the body, which are associated with inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. To get this benefit, studies show that strawberries must be eaten at least three times per week over a period of several weeks.

Strawberry Juice Regulates Blood Sugars

Strawberry juice is also now understood to be an excellent regulator of blood sugars, and will even counterbalance the negative effects of eating refined sugars. This makes strawberries and strawberry juice an excellent choice for diabetics and others on sugar-restricted diets.

That strawberry juice is one of the best possible sources of human nutrition is an established fact beyond a reasonable doubt. This juice is a natural win-win situation: It tastes great and the numerous health benefits of strawberry juice can do wonders for your health. It’s the best of all worlds.

25 Nov

The Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

Have you been noticing a large red bumpy-textured fruit on your grocer’s produce display? Or maybe you have seen bottles of dark red juice prominently featured in the fruit juice section of the store? The rise in popularity and availability of the pomegranate fruit and its extracted juice has been meteoric in recent years.

The pomegranate tree is a native to the middle east and is one with a long history. Variously called a shrub or a small tree, it can reach heights of fifteen to twenty feet. Grown originally in countries such as Iran and Iraq, a variety of the plant developed to produce as much juice as possible has been transplanted to the United States, especially California and Arizona. And while pomegranates are sold as an eating fruit in the produce section of the grocery, it is the juice that has become well-known in the last decade for its apparently never-ending list of healthy effects. Many of the health benefits of pomegranate juice have been researched and verified, and studies continue to bolster its reputation as it shows the promise of being a near-miracle fruit juice.

Health benefits of pomegranate juice

Antioxidant Potency Levels In Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is easily and efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream. Studies have shown that the active ingredients in pomegranate juice are readily available to the body, especially the ellagic acid which is quickly absorbed after ingestion. This means that the beneficial substances in the juice can be efficiently used by the body, and there is little waste of these nutrients. The antioxidant potency levels in pomegranate juice equal or exceed those found in red wine and green tea, and many of its benefits result from this quality.

Positive Effects On The Cardiovascular System

Drinking the juice of the pomegranate regularly is beneficial for your heart. Several research studies have focused on the positive effects on the cardiovascular system from drinking the juice. In the case of atherosclerosis, the growth rate of the disease was slowed in nearly one-third of trial subjects in one study. Plaque build-up in the arteries was reduced in 30% of the subjects in another study of the cardiovascular effects, and a further study showed a 20% reduction in the levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) in the blood after a regular regimen of the juice. Increased blood flow to the heart has also been the subject of research, and the juice was effective in producing improved flow in almost 20% of the subjects studied. These studies and others have proved that pomegranate juice can be good for the heart and the circulatory system.

Growth-slowing Effect On Various Types Of Cancers

While results have not been completely conclusive, there is quite a bit of evidence that the use of pomegranate juice has a growth-slowing effect on various types of cancers. Clinical studies first with mice, then on male human subjects, showed that the growth of prostate cancer was decreased over a several year period when pomegranate juice was regularly consumed. Other research suggested that the fruit juice can limit or reverse the progress of lung cancer. A study of the effect on women with breast cancer of pomegranate extract revealed that drinking the juice actually seemed to kill the cancerous cells, while keeping new cells from occurring. It is not a stretch of the imagination to assume that if there is a preventative and curative result from drinking the juice on some cancers, it may be enlisted in the fight against the disease in general. Pomegranate may someday be credited with providing an end to the cancer crisis.

Other Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

Many other health benefits of pomegranate juice have been reported.

A positive effect on metabolism has been shown to happen for people who drink the dark red juice of the pomegranate. In studies with diabetics ingestion of the juice was proved to have no negative effects on any measures of the disease parameters, and it has also been shown to be a good low-glycemic index food for diabetics.

Regular consumption has been effective in lowering blood pressure as well, with measures of systolic pressure averaging 5% lower in test subjects.

Cartilage deterioration may be slowed by drinking pomegranate juice, which in turn means that it can improve osteoarthritis and relieve associated pain.

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease in one study showed improved brain functioning after ingesting the extracted juice over a year period.

It may be a competitor and a natural one in the viagra market – in a study of men exhibiting erectile dysfunction, the regular daily drinking of pomegranate juice was seen to reduce the incidence of sexual difficulties.

Finally, pomegranate juice has been proved to have a reducing effect on the build-up of dental plaque.

The Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice can be realized by drinking the juice in sufficient amounts (most studies used a standard of 8 ounces per day) and as part of a regular daily regimen. It is important as well to be sure that you are getting 100% juice, because many cocktails and watered-down combinations with other fruit juices have come on the market to take advantage of the reputation of the pure juice. In addition to all of the benefits discussed, pomegranate juice is loaded with vitamins and minerals, and it tastes very good, with a tart but sweet and full flavor. So raise a glass of pomegranate juice and drink to your health, and to everyone’s!

24 Nov

Health Benefits Of Plum Juice – Constipation, Antioxidants, Heart Rhythm And More

Plum juice also known more commonly as prune juice is created by softening prunes by steaming and squeezing them with a pulping tool to create liquid purees. Plum juice has always been a popular natural juice enjoyed in some countries around the world but with the discovery of the many health benefits of plum juice, it has become an important nutrient source for many people worldwide who want a healthy substitute to artificial drinks or juices.

Prunes are now cultivated more for their juices than for the consumption of the fruits because of their numerous health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Plum Juice

Constipation Treatment

One of the biggest health benefits of plum juice is its ability to treat constipation by helping in the transportation of liquids to the intestine because of sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and sorbitol thereby softening stool and aiding in bowel movement. Plum juice also contains dihydropheylisatin which is a natural laxative that helps in muscle contractions.

Health benefits if plum juice

Rich Source of Fiber

The nutrient in plums that further proves their positive effect is soluble fiber. According to the USRDA, 12.1% of soluble fiber helps in normalizing blood sugar and lowering the body’s intake of glucose or sugar. Some studies have also been conducted and have shown how soluble fiber can help in producing insulin which in turn decreases the chances of contracting diabetes.

Antioxidant Source

Among the important benefits of plum juice is its richness in antioxidants that help in warding off free radicals. Free radicals cause damage to the body and are one of the biggest causes of aging.

Two of the main antioxidants found in plum juice are phenols and beta-carotenes. Phenols block free radicals that are oxygen-based to prevent them from damaging the fats in the body. This helps keep the membranes of brain cells and skin cells healthy because these are composed mostly of fats. Beta-carotene on the other hand is a form of vitamin A that helps protect the body from the damages caused by free radicals such as aging and diseases including heart disease and cancer.

Acidity Control

There is a Chinese form of sour plum juice known as ‘suanmeitang’ that controls the buildup of lactic acid to help reduce acidity. Although its acidity benefits are not considered one of the popular health benefits of plum juice, the suanmeitang is very popular in oriental countries and is even being introduced in Western countries as well.

Heart Rhythm

The high levels of potassium in plum juice make it beneficial for people suffering from high blood pressure or those who are likely to suffer from stroke. In addition, the high potassium levels of plum juice helps in regulating normal heart rhythm. This is one of the main benefits for heart disease sufferers.

Regulated Blood Sugar Levels

Unlike other sources of sugar, plum juice has a higher level of natural sweetening agents such as sorbitol and fructose compared to sucrose making it a good substitute for sweet juices that cause huge spikes in blood sugar levels. The high amount of soluble fiber also helps in stabilizing blood sugar and improves cholesterol levels.  Furthermore, the sweet nature of plum juice makes it advisable as a drink for people who worry about high blood sugar levels because it can keep sugar cravings low throughout the day. The regulation of blood sugar is not among the biggest health benefits of plum juice because natural juice always has more sugar than fruit. It is more advisable to eat prunes instead. However, compared to other natural juices, plum juice has among the least sugar count.

Weight Loss

Plum juice also aids people wanting to lose weight. Plum juice is advisable for these people because intake of this juice can help satisfy appetite faster and curb overeating. This helps dieters from consuming more unhealthy food that may cause disastrous effects on their diet. However, like all other things, plum juice should be taken in moderation because it also contains calories that may boost weight when taken excessively.

Prevention of Chronic Diseases

The abundance of phenols is one of the main health benefits of plum juice because this antioxidant can help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. Chronic diseases caused by LDL oxidation is curbed because of the production of 2 main types of phenolic compounds in plum juice – chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids.

19 Nov

Health Benefits of Pear Juice

Instead of having coffee or a chocolate drink, why not have a boost of various nutrients in just a few gulps by having a glass of pear juice? Delicious and nutritious, pear juice is definitely one of the best healthy drinks that you can have. If having a glass is not part of your diet, here are some of the health benefits of pear juice which might help to convince you.

Pear Health BenefitsPears Contain Lots Of Vitamins And Minerals

If you eat a pear, or about 100 grams of the fruit, there are a lot of vitamins and minerals that you can get which include Vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, calcium, Vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, fat, potassium, protein and carbohydrates. Pears are known as good sources of Vitamin C and dietary fiber, especially the skin which most people tend to discard. Adding a pear to your diet is surely a great way of taking in the said nutrients and for those who are watching their weight, having a pear daily will surely help you.

Boosting Your Immune System

If you don’t want to be constantly missing school or work because you often get the flu, you should start thinking about drinking healthy juices such as pear juice to boost your immune system. As pear juice is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, it will help in building up your immune system. Regular intake of pear juice can help you avoid common diseases such as cough and colds, the flu and other similar disorders.

Good Source Of Energy

Furthermore, you can always be energetic when you drink pear juice since this is a quick and good source of energy. Pears are rich in fructose and glucose, two monosacharides that can easily be converted to energy. With the added carbohydrates, you will surely be grateful when you drink this after feeling tired and sleepy.

Pear Juice Helps Prevent Cancer

There are several health benefits of pear juices which includes having the necessary nutrients needed by the body. The Vitamin C and copper content of pear juice is essential in protecting your body from cancers and other diseases. As you may already know, when free radicals attach to the cells, these particular cells will be damaged which will often lead to cancer or other similar disorders. Cancers are difficult to treat especially during the late stages. The best treatment for cancer is actually prevention which you can do by drinking a glass of pear juice regularly. The antioxidants of pear juice protect your cells from the damaging free radicals, helping you avoid cancer. As studies have already proven, having a pear daily can reduce your chances of getting lung cancer and for women, it will help you avoid breast cancer after menopause.

18 Nov

Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Juice: Pumpkins Aren’t Just Good for Halloween

When I think of pumpkins, Halloween is the first thing that pops into my mind. But you might be surprised to learn that pumpkins are good for more than just carving and putting on your porch to scare trick-or-treaters. The health benefits of pumpkin juice have been demonstrated time and time again, yet this valuable health resource often flies under the radar of even the most devoted health aficionados.


Pumpkins are a rich source of several important vitamins


Pumpkins are a rich source of several important vitamins. Beta-carotene is the orange pigment responsible for giving pumpkins their distinctive color (it also provides color for other healthy vegetables, like carrots). When you consume beta-carotene, the body converts some of it to vitamin A. Vitamin A is important to maintaining the health of many bodily functions, especially vision. Thus, it may be possible to help some vision problems through drinking pumpkin juice. The health benefits of pumpkin juice don’t stop there, however, as vitamin A is also an important component of healthy skin. Many high-end dermatology products rely primarily on the influence of vitamin A derivatives to reduce acne, but drinking pumpkin juice may allow you to achieve the same result for much less money!

Vitamin C and vitamin E

Pumpkin juice also contains high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C is involved in a multitude of functions in the human body, and is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. It’s also a valuable antioxidant, and thus it helps to slow the natural aging process of the body. Vitamin E is an antioxidant as well, and the combined effect of both through drinking pumpkin juice has the potential to make you feel years younger.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also found at high levels in pumpkin juice. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bone development, hormone development, and nervous system functioning. Vitamin D deficiencies have been associated with a number of negative health outcomes, including increased mortality, cancer rates, and growth deformities. Drinking pumpkin juice is a healthy way to obtain the recommended daily amount of vitamin D.

Health benefits of pumpkin juice

People have been drinking pumpkin juice for many years, and out of the practice have come a number of medicinal uses of pumpkin juice. For example, The health benefits of pumpkin juice are believed to include maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. The mechanism behind this link could involve one of the several vitamins that are packed into a glass of pumpkin juice. There are indications, for example, that Vitamin C may have a cholesterol-reducing effect. Antioxidants have also been demonstrated to help keep cholesterol levels within a healthy range, and pumpkin juice has a high antioxidant index.

The health benefits of pumpkin juice also involve its digestive-stimulating capabilities. Pumpkin juice can serve as a digestive system regulator, and can be used in instances of constipation or indigestion. Its laxative properties are very mild, however, so drinking pumpkin juice in general won’t cause an over-active bowel. Pumpkin juice can also soothe the stomach, and is a recommended treatment for ulcers.

There are many who advocate pumpkin juice as a cure for insomnia. Pumpkin juice is high in magnesium, a mineral that can play an important role in our ability to sleep. One of the many suggested functions for magnesium is its soothing action on the nervous system. There is an indication that some people who suffer from insomnia do so because they are experiencing magnesium deficiency. If only they knew to drink pumpkin juice! Often, pumpkin juice mixed with a small amount of honey is drank before lying down as a sleep aid.

Pumpkin Seeds

Some believe that pumpkin seeds offer the greatest of the health benefits of pumpkin juice. The seeds are thought to have an overall cleansing effect on the body. Nutrients in the seeds may help rid the body of impurities by stimulating the activity of the kidneys. For this reason, many people who make fresh pumpkin juice will be sure to include ground up seeds in their concoction.

Pumpkin juice is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants–all of which combine to maintain healthy functioning of the body. While many of us search for foods that will provide us with one vitamin or another, it may be that the one-shot solution to our health needs is sitting right in front of us. So next time you think of a pumpkin, think about putting it in your juicer, not carving it!

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17 Nov

The Many Health Benefits Of Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice is known for its refreshing properties and nutritious value. It is the perfect fruit to enjoy the summer season. It is an exceptional choice for a healthy diet. With its fleshy texture, juicy pulps and sweetness, it becomes a favorite ingredients for salads and desserts. It contains more water and less sodium aside from being the top source for almost all vitamins. It can be prepared fresh throughout the year and provides everyone with a lot of health benefits.

Watermelons And Their Health Benefits

Packed with powerful antioxidants

Watermelon juice is fully packed with powerful antioxidants. Aside from its sweet taste and juicy watermelon pulps, it is a rich source of natural antioxidants which is important in neutralizing the free radicals inside the body. It has a notable concentration of beta carotene, a very good source of vitamin C and an excellent source of vitamin A. These potent antioxidants are very essential in combating the harmful substances that destroy the human system. They have the ability to minimize free radicals that greatly contributes to stress and the aging process. Furthermore, they can oxidize cholesterol and prevent the occurrence of strokes, cancers and heart attacks. They can prevent asthma attack by eliminating the toxins that might cause the air passage to close. Moreover, they can decrease the inflammation in osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and prevent cancer cells to develop. In addition to this, vitamin C is known to prevent a person from getting colds and greatly contributes to a stronger immune system. Certainly, vitamin C and beta carotene are the main stress buster in the body and assist in getting rid of harmful molecules to avoid cell damages. With just one cup of watermelon juice, it can offer a daily value of 24.3% for vitamin C and 11.1% daily value for vitamin A through its beta carotene.

Watermelon Juice And Lycopene

The next vital element that can be found in watermelon juice is lycopene which is a potent carotenoid antioxidant found in pink watermelon. It gives watermelon the bright red or pinkish color which is thought to be found only in tomatoes. However, recent investigation shows that it is present in ample amounts and very concentrated in watermelon. It has been the main focus of several clinical health studies because of its oxidizing capabilities and cancer- preventing properties. It has been proven to be an excellent protection against various types of cancers such as breast cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancers. One human clinical study shows that lycopene reduces the risk of having polyps in patients with colorectal adenomas. On the other hand, it has antioxidant function which covers the human cells and other related structures against oxygen depletion. It has also been proven that lycopene can protect the DNA inside the white blood cells through its antioxidant role.

Rich In B Vitamins, Magnesium And Potassium

Juicing watermelon is a fun and healthy way to acquire energy and boost your mood. It is rich in B vitamins which are essential to stay active everyday. It is highly rated as a good source of vitamin B6 which accelerates the brain’s capacity to cope with anxiety and panic, vitamin B1, magnesium and potassium which aid in regulating the normal blood pressure levels and keeps your heart in a healthy condition. It has higher content of nutrients compared to other fruits and contains lower calories. It delivers only 48 calories with a whole cup of watermelon juice.

Good Source Of Arginine

Another healthy benefit of watermelon juice is that is is a rich source of arginine. Arginine is a form of amino acid which is usually used in the urea cycle to eliminate ammonia that is a harmful toxin when inside the body. This kind of amino acid has been shown to relax blood vessels and minimizes high blood pressure. It has also been proven to avoid erectile dysfunction in problematic males. Also, it improves the insulin sensitivity of patients with diabetes disease type 2.

Watermelon Juice Can Prevent Macular Degeneration

Specifically, watermelon juice can prevent macular degeneration which is a type of vision loss. This kind of disease is age related and usually happens in adults. Aside from carrots, watermelon can help protect your eyesight against macular degeneration. It has been noted that individuals who take watermelon juice are less prone to this type of eye ailment compared to others who doesn’t take any watermelon juice.

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